Weird Warrior name translations in Sweden by Lynxpaw

Lynxpaw shares the Swedish names of some characters from the series and their opinions on them.

Hi BlogClan, Lynxpaw here! This is my first article and I’m going to write about weird translated warrior names from English to Swedish. Sweden is my home country and I read warriors in Swedish at first. When I started reading them in English, I was shocked by some translations. Ready? Okay, let’s get started.
Warrior name spoilers for The prophecies begin, The new prophecy and Power of Three.

First I must tell you, Warriors in Sweden is not bad. They use the same rules for names, for an example:
Blåunge, Blåtass, Blåpäls, Blåstjärna (Bluekit, Bluepaw, Bluefur, Bluestar).

But some names are, in my opinion, are weird or wrong translated. I’m going to make a list of the top 10 most weird translated names.

10. Squirrelflight = Ekorrhopp (Squirreljump)
This name is not that weird. I mostly included her because i know that many BlogClanners like her. Flight in Sweden is “flygtur”. Two words put together. “Flygtur” is “Fly trip”, if you translate it directly. Squirrelflytrip, sounds a little strange…

9. Rainwhisker = Regnstrå (Rainstraw)
Whisker is “morrhår” (growlhair) in Sweden. It’s like two words put together, “morr” and “hår” (growl and hair). Why? I don’t know. But it makes it hard to translate names with -whisker. Usually they use -straw instead. Raingrowlhair doesn’t sound so good…

8. Sorreltail & Leafpool = Bladsvans (Leaftail) & Lövdamm (Leafpool)
In Sweden we have two words for Leaf. “Blad” and “Löv”. Sorreltail’s friend is Leafpool, but they don’t have the same prefix, in Sweden. Leafpool is “Lövdamm” and Sorreltail is “Bladsvans”.

7. Hollyleaf = Svartblad (Blackleaf)
Okay… Holly is “järnek” in Swedish. “Järnek” means Iron Oak. Ferncloud’s kit was Hollykit. Hollykit was named “Järnunge” (Ironkit). Cats don’t know what iron is!!!
I think the translator noticed this. So she made Hollyleaf Blackleaf instead. Well, in one of the books in Power of Three, Hollypaw (Hollyleaf) says something like this, when she and some other apprentices talk about kit’s names:
“Then I must have been spiky like a holly bush, even as a kit!” (I don’t really remember this quote that well, she said something like that, somebody who knows exactly what she said!?)
In the Swedish version she says: “Then I must have been jet-black, even as a kit!”
Correct me if I’m wrong, jet-black cats are jet-black since birth.

6. Jayfeather = Blåfjäder (Bluefeather)
Honestly! He is a grey tabby! He could have been named after his eyes, though. Again the reason his name is weird, it’s a two-part name. Jay is “nötskrika” (Nut shouter) in Sweden. Jayfeather would be really grumpy if he was named Nutshouterfeather… But the prophecy: After the sharp-eyed Jay and the roaring Lion, peace will come on Dove’s gentle wing. Because only the three first arcs are translated yet in Sweden, we don’t know what its prophecy will be. Maybe: After the blue feather and the roaring lion…
It doesn’t sound as good or “mighty”.

5. Speckletail & Dappletail = Pricksvans (Spottail) and Spräckelsvans (Speckletail)
Dappletail took Speckletail’s name! In Sweden, Dappletail is Speckletail and Speckletail is Spottail. Maybe that is because the Swedish language doesn’t have as much words for spots, flecks and dapples. You will notice this again if you keep reading.

4. Ashfur = Disfäll (Mistpelt)
Well, Swedish only have one name for Cinder and Ash (“Ask”). They are the same thing. This is hard, because Cinderfur (ShadowClan) becomes Ashfur. So maybe it wasn’t that weird that Ashfur was named Mistpelt. They couldn’t have two “Ask” in ThunderClan. Askfäll (Cinderpelt) and Askpäls (Ashfur) wouldn’t have worked. They are to similar, and, they were kits at the same time? Mistpelt is okay.

3. Onewhisker/Onestar = Morrhåret/Morrstjärna
“Morrhåret” means The whisker. And like I said before Whisker is “growlhair” in Sweden. Onestar’s names in Sweden: Morrunge (Growkit), Morrtass (Growlpaw), Morrhåret (Growlhair), Morrstjärna (Growlstar). Actually I think “Growl” is better than “One”. I like this translation.

2. Tawnypelt = Höstfäll (Fall/Autumnpelt)
Why? Fall is Leaf-fall in Warriors. They don’t use twoleg season-names. Sweden hasn’t got a word for “Tawny”, though. I don’t have anything more to say about it, it’s really bad.

And number one:

1. Spottedleaf & Brindleface = Fläckblad (Fleckleaf) and Fläcknos (Flecknose)
They were kits at the same time! Two Fleckkits? Noooooo! Couldn’t Spottedleaf be translated to Spotleaf (“Prickblad”)? If they have two “Spot” in the Swedish ThunderClan (Spottedleaf and Speckletail), it doesn’t matter! They were not kits at the same time. I wonder what they will do if they ever translate Spottedleaf’s heart to Swedish.

Wow! This article was longer than i planned! Hope you liked it and that you have learned some Swedish. I have more names, like Ivypool, Silverstream and Runningnose’s translations. If you liked this article, i would gladly make a part two with 10 more names.
My favourite translation is Onewhisker being Growlhair. What is your?
Feel free to ask if something is unclear in this article. I know most of you don’t understand Swedish.

Lynxpaw out!

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