[black-and-white photo of a cat with closed eyes wearing headphones connected to an old-fashioned device]

Giving Some Songs Warriors Names by Rosefern

Rosefern gives warrior names to some songs.

[black-and-white photo of a cat with closed eyes wearing headphones connected to an old-fashioned device]
Photographer unknown
[black-and-white photo of a cat with closed eyes wearing headphones connected to an old-fashioned device]

Heya people! You might remember if you kept a close enough eye on the Article Submission section for enough time, when my Warrior Cat As Songs article was first submitted it was a “part 1” but then I realized I just couldn’t do that anymore, that was hard, girl! So now, I’ma just do something, else, giving songs warrior names. So, ya, here goes!
First song: Give your Heart A Break, by Demi Lovato.
Alright… this song is really cool, I like it alot , this song has a good chord pattern, pretty unique in my eyes, so… a unique prefix, there’s I think a violin or some other string instrument, in the beginning, and it’s so pretty, reminds me a bit like flowers when I think of it. So maybe “flower” for prefix, or “bloom”. Ya definitely “bloom” that word is definitely more reminiscent of the strings in the intro. This song has a lot of heart, so heart is a perfect suffix! So Bloomheart. Perfect!
Next song: When I Get There, by P!nk
I like this song, it’s really pretty, lofi, but still with a lot of heart. One thing that stands out to me is the instrument combo. That’s what I think I wanna base my prefix off of, something that also goes with the piano + the background of strings vibe, … *Awkward silence* …
I just spent at least 5 minutes sitting here pondering this, and I think “berry” or “cherry” might work. Oooh, lavender! That’s perfect! Lavender would make a good prefix, and now for a suffix, I don’t wanna do heart again, cuz I just did that one, but something like it, because this song is also really ummm… heart-ful, so maybe Lavenderstem? No that doesn’t work out right, Lavenderberry… Lavenderflower! That’s perfect even though I ended up having to do another flower one, flowers are very relatible😂 So Lavenderflower it is. Whew! That was a toughie!
Next one: Counting Stars, by OneRepublic.
This one is easy. “Star” as the prefix, for sure, even though it doesn’t actually talk about stars much in the song the name of the song is really pretty, so ya. For the suffix, this is harder, but I know the guy singing it talks alot about himself / personal improvement, so maybe “spirit” would be a good one. Starspirit! Such a pretty name.
Well, that was easy! Next one: Breakaway by Kelly Clarkson!
I love this song! I want burn to be the prefix because this song has a lot of passion. Now for the suffix. So this song talks a lot about wings, and flying etc so I’d like the suffix to be based off of that. Maybe “bright” because the sky and the sun are both bright, and sky and sun are both components of the chorus lyrics. So Burnbright. That’s perfect!
Alright people that’s it for me right now so ya see you soon! ~Rosefern out~

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