[Spottedleaf looks over her shoulder at Firestar who stands behind her]

The Two Most Overrated Cats of All Time by Quickblizzard

Quickblizzard takes a look at two overrated cats from the series.

[Spottedleaf looks over her shoulder at Firestar who stands behind her]
Art by Vialir (separate; unknown editor)
[Spottedleaf looks over her shoulder at Firestar who stands behind her]

Hi all! My name is Quickblizzard and Iā€™m a new member! So yeah. This is my first article and I have no idea how to insert a picture teeheehee.
Anyway, today weā€™re going to talk about the two most overrated cats of all time. Drumroll pleeaseā€¦
I could rant on and on about them, but letā€™s review the basic facts.
Spottedleaf appears in the first arc, TPB, as the perfect pretty medicine-cat that Firepaw immediately develops a crush on. Excuse meā€¦ what? Hey, Firepaw. You used to be a KITTYPET. Two seconds into Thunderclan and youā€™re already crushing on random she-cats, considering that sheā€™s a medicine cat and canā€™t even have mates? I would make a whole other seperate article on how Firestar is also overrated if I didnā€™t dislike him so much.
Spottedleaf is murdered in cold blood by the Shadowclan warrior Clawface, who then steals I think either Frostfur or Brindlefaceā€™s kitsā€¦ Okay, hold up. This is literally almost directly quoted from Spottedleafā€™s death scene:
ā€œA moment later, there was a yowl of rage ā€” Tigerclaw! The massive tabby warrior was hunched over a limp wet bundle of tortoiseshell fur. Shaking his head grimly, he moved aside to reveal Spottedleaf dead on the ground. Firepaw felt rage swell inside him like a huge dark cloud. ā€™It was a warriorā€™s blow that killed her,ā€™ Tigerclaw mewed, gazing at the wound on the back of her neck.ā€
Okay, Erin Hunter. Of all the death scenes, couldnā€™t you make this one a little more emotional? Geez, no one even describes the blood or anything. It sort of indicates that Spottedleafā€™s death wasnā€™t really important anyway.
Moving on. This is before Firepaw goes with Graypaw and Ravenpaw to find the missing kits, whom Tigerclaw thinks Yellowfang stole.
ā€œFirepaw pressed his nose into Spottedleafā€™s cold pelt and inhaled her sweet scent one last time. ā€˜Goodbye, my dear Spottedleaf,ā€™ he murmured.ā€
I donā€™t even have to go on. It speaks for itself, doesnā€™t it? Firepaw loves Spottedleaf at first sight, she dies in the first book, not even doing anything important, apart from delivering the prophecy ā€œFire alone can save the Clan,ā€ and then Firepawā€¦ SMELLS her. Like, ā€œIā€™m sad we couldnā€™t be mates, Spottedleaf, but at least I can sniff you like a total creep and then get a new mate.ā€
That leads us to our final problem. Firepaw, now Fireheart, has a NEW MATE! Sandstorm! And unbeknownst to the poor cat, Spottedleaf, Fireheartā€™s ex-fiance, starts stalking him in his sleep! And he looks forward to it!
Then Sandstorm gets mad at him when she finds out (pretty reasonable, by the way) and he says he loves her more than Spottedleafā€¦ and then Spottedleaf keeps visiting his dreams. Seriously, you two? Spottedleaf is a MEDICINE CAT WHO ISNā€™T EVEN THAT GREAT. YEAH SHEā€™S PRETTY AND SMELLS GOOD BUT JUST STOP LOVING HER YOU STINKING FURBALL YOU HAVE A NEW MATE NOW. Geez!
Then Spottedleaf sacrifices herself to save Sandstormā€™s life in the battle against the Dark Forest. Spottedleaf disappears foreverā€¦ and Fireheart, now Firestar, MOPES about it. Itā€™s what you get, you numbskull. Sheā€™s a medicine cat. And he mopes about her death, not thinking about his Clan or new mate, Sandstorm.
In conclusion. Why does everyone love Firestar X Spottedleaf? It is a creepy, impossible ship that can never happen and never will because Spottedleaf is DEAD AS A DOORKNOB. These two cats are the most overrated cats in Warrior history.
Okay, I hope you enjoyed my article and hopefully I changed your mind about these two mousebrains! Keep your eye out for my next article!
Hint: It has something to do with Silverstream.

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