Skypaw takes a look at and defends Ashfur’s character.
Hey everyone! It’s me, Skypaw, and I’m back with another article! Today I’ll be defending Ashfur and explaining why I like him!
*spoilers for The Prophecies Begin, The New Prophecy, Omen of the Stars and The Broken Code*
A lot of you are probably going to hate me for this, but I love Ashfur. Lots of you are like “But Skypaw, he tried to murder Squilf’s kits and he helped Hawkfrost get Firestar stuck in a fox trap because Squilf rejected him!” But really, how many times have you guys read teenage books and the main character was like “Oh no, my crush doesn’t like me! Whatever will I do now?” Like, they’re all devastated because their true love doesn’t like them back, but anyway, back to Ashfur. Of course, the characters’ reaction isn’t as extreme as how Ashfur reacted, but it’s pretty much the same thing.
Second, everyone hates him because of all the stuff he did in The Broken Code, like drag Squilf off to the Dark Forest, or take over Bramblestar, but what I actually saw him doing here was proving how insanely powerful he is, and some of you might not know this, but I love powerful characters. I mean, he took over a leader’s body, dragged his crush into the Dark Forest against her will, MIND CONTROLLED SPIRIT CATS- *clears throat* I’m sorry, but if that isn’t THE most powerful cat in the series, I don’t know who is.
Now, time to defend him!
I think some of his behaviour is due to the dogs that Tigerstar 1 lured into ThunderClan. His mother died, and he was sent to bury her. I mean, that’s totally not traumatic. *sarcasm intended* Then his best friend died. Total teenage trauma. That led him to hate Tigerstar 1, and therefore Brambleclaw. Then, when Squilf chose Brambleclaw over him, Ashfur decided that enough was enough. He couldn’t hold his anger any longer, so that’s what led him to become what he is.
Anyways, that’s my article. I hope you liked it, and if I changed your minds about him, let me know in the comments! Please no hateful comments. If you disagree with me, let me know politely. Have a great day (assuming you’re reading this during the day), and may StarClan light your path.
Skypaw –> OUT
Intressant teori och jag håller med. Ashfur får alldeles för mycket hat precis som Bramblestar men jag tror att han hade en bra anledning till att han gjorde som han gjorde. Jag säger inte att jag gillar honom vilket jag inte gör. Men jag håller med om din artikel och jag tror du hade känt likadant om samma sak hade händ dig.
I love Ashfur. Great article!
Thank you so much for this article! I’m a spiritual fictionkin and my kintype is Ashfur, and it makes me really happy to see that some people like him. I’m so tired of seeing Ashfur hate everywhere I go, so this article is like a breath of fresh air to me.
One again, thank you so much for this pawsome article!
I totally agree. Ashfur is my top one favourite character. I admit he was very VERY overactive, but some cats don’t look back into the other’s childhood. Thanks for this article! *clap clap* it’s good to see some people who like Ash too. 🙂
Thanks again!
I definitely disagree. I’m sorry, but Ashfur almost destroyed all the clans and everything his kin worked for because he was rejected and because his parents died? Thrushpelt’s parents died and he was rejected. He didn’t react like that. Ashfur has no absolute reason to act like that.