Hi Sandbreeze!
Happy Birthday!!!! Everyone on BlogClan hopes you have an incredible day! 😀
Do you know what you might be doing to celebrate today? I’m guessing you’re probably at school because it’s a Monday but I hope you have good lessons! Are you planning to see friends/family? Eat birthday cake?
Everyone on the Blog would love to know all about your day! If you’d like to tell us, you can write all about it in the comments below, but you don’t have to of course if you don’t want to!!

And of course, here’s a sand themed birthday cake I found for you online!! What do you think of this one? I find it very creative! I also am hoping that the seashells on top are white chocolate because if they are, then that would make the cake even more delicious in my opinion! 😛
Now, it’s time for me to put all of your presents into the post!
First up is a message from Rosepaw/fern:
“Happy happy birthday, spectacular Sandbreeze!!!!!! Sandy, you are so funny and kind, and wonderful to be around! Have the best day ever!!!!!!”
From Shadeleap you have a google doc that has been made especially for you:
This is a message for you from Hazelpaw/shine:
“Happy birthday Sandi!!!! You’re one of my best friends on the blog, and you’re finally becoming a warrior :DD It’s always so fun seeing you spreading positivity on the blog and the wiki, and I wish you all the best!
Now for a message from Riverspirit:
“SANDI!! I’m SO happy that you’re on the Blog because you are so sweet and beautiful! You are a big part of the Blog in my eyes, and I hope that you know that! YOU ARE SO AMAZING VBCHJQKBVWHJKCAG BVHEU HQBIFEJQCEHUCIBLQUWAILKJ -Riv:D”
Finally Silverdusk has sent you this message:
“HAPPY BIRTHDAY SANDI!!!!!! You were literally one of my first ever blog besties and you are just such a sweet, kind and caring person! You always seem to have a compliment for everyone and you spread joy wherever you go! I love talking with you and I am so honoured to be your friend💖💖 Ilysm Sandi!!!!”
We love having you here with us on the Blog, Sandi! We’re all wishing you the very best for your birthday today. Have an amazing day!!
From Aquila and everyone on BlogClan 🧡
Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday Sandi! Hope you have a wonderful day!
Happy Birthday!!
Happy birthday Sandi!! <333
Happy birthday Sandi!!! I hope your day is spectacular 😀