Official icon of RiverClan with a blue metallic texture

Why I Don’t Like RiverClan by Spiritpaw

Spiritpaw shares their opinion on RiverClan.

Official icon of RiverClan with a blue metallic texture
Official icon of RiverClan with a blue metallic texture

Hello fellow BlogClanners! It is I, Spiro, back with another article! Today I will be sharing my opinion on RiverClan.


This Clan started with great potential and then declined throughout the arcs for me.

I loved it in DotC, I liked it in TPB, I REALLY liked it in TNP (because of Feathertail), then it was meh for a couple arcs and then –

TBC happened.

Mistystar, good, awesome Mistystar… I don’t blame her for getting tricked by Ashfur, I blame her for losing her great personality and becoming a HUGE hypocrite. The Erins trashed her forgiving side and kind of missed the fact that Mistystar was a codebreaker herself, if Jayfeather and Lionblaze counted as codebreakers, because she was half-Clan. Mistystar had no problem throwing out “codebreakers”, but was one herself by Ashfur’s standards.

But then she redeems herself by being one of the Lights in the Mist, so I guess she at least tried to make up for her mistakes…

THEN we get the mess of RiverClan in ASC! This really shows just how uncoordinated they have become. I may be a little unfair here as they have just come out of a pretty big crisis, but it’s been a few moons and in all honesty, RiverClan seemed to be one of the least-affected Clans with the Ashfur debacle.

They went along with him, and had pretty much no casualties, and was half a lake away from ThunderClan and the Imposter.

When we see ThunderClan in ASC, it really just seems like Bramblestar is the only one still particularly shaken by the event, and maybe Twigbranch. Correct me if I’m wrong about that, though. True, they are all still recovering, but they have unity again, depending on your perspective. They act nothing like the incredibly distrustful, shifty cats that we see in RiverClan.

Mistystar’s and Reedwhisker’s deaths were sudden, but RiverClan seems to be always at each other’s throats, and it took ShadowClan’s invasion just to get them to even remotely work as a group! Like, guys, please just elect a leader or somebody capable at this point. StarClan isn’t quite helping at the moment, so act on your own!! If they don’t like it then try another cat until they accept one as leader! And it’s not that hard to be nice to each other about it. This whole thing could be over already if they worked together!

And I honestly don’t get the hype. “Ooo they decorate their dens!” Cool!… So? That’w not a good reason to like them. “But they’re unique ’cause they can swim and eat fish!” Great!… Nobody idolizes WindClan for being the only Clan to not live in the forest, and ShadowClan isn’t idolized because they’re pretty much the only Clan that eats frogs.

The only good thing RiverClan has now is Frostpaw. At least, she’s the only good thing in my eyes. Please tell me why you like RiverClan and what you thought about this article, and thanks for reading <3

– Spiro 7/22/23

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