Hi Wattlepaw!
Happy Birthday! Everyone on BlogClan is wishing you a great one! 😀
If you have anything about your day you’d like to share with us, like highlights, or just if you enjoyed it overall, then you’re more than welcome to leave a comment at the bottom of this post! But if not, then that’s cool too! 🙂
Some questions from us to you if you want to answer could be…
Did you have a birthday cake? If so what flavour was it? How was your day? Did you enjoy yourself?

And here’s a cake I picked out for you! I think this one looks very grand – I hope you like it! 😀
To finish off, we all hope you have a brilliant birthday, Wattlepaw. You deserve to have a fantastic time!
Have fun!
From Aquila and everyone on the Blog 💙
Oooh happy birthday! (I know the blog too well to think I’m first for this)
You’re first 😛
Omg whait whut
Happy birthday Wattlepaw!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy birthday!!
Happy Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! (And many mooooore!)
Happy birthday! 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳
TYSM ALL OF U SUPER CATS!!!!! Sorry I’m a little late because I had a short blog break for my birthday week! I had a really good day and I love the cake Auqila! For my cake I had a chocolate fudge cake with strawberries on top! I had a great day! I had the best party ever!!!
Love to all u beautiful cats!!!! ♥️♥️♥️
Im late, but Happy birthday!!!!!!!!
Happy B-day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!