Rosefern gives warrior names to characters from Wings of Fire.
![[art of winged cat forms of the dragon species from Wings of Fire]](
[art of winged cat forms of the dragon species from Wings of Fire]
Heyy everybody! Today I’m going to be giving wings of fire dragons warrior names! I’ll only be focussing on the first five books (In other words, the Dragonet Prophecy arc) for now, I’ll get to the other arcs in other parts.
So I’m mostly just gonna be doing the POV characters here, plus some extras, I’m not going to go into detail about all the villains and accomplice characters and whatnot yep, only a few because there are just so many
First, Clay.
So, Clay’s nice he’st brave although he doesn’t think so, and, he’s fireproof! I think I’ll just go and make “brave” his prefix. And since he can only breathe fire in certain conditions, is fireproof, and isn’t as some of the other characters, I’ll make his suffix “spark”.
Result: Bravespark.
Sunny is just so nice! And because of her name I kept on thinking SandWings were called SunWings for a VERY long time. I’ll make her prefix “sun” for that reason. and I’ll go and put “feather” for her suffix because she’s “soft as a feather” according to me (Sorry if that was super cringey!)
I’d like to give Tsunami a name that sounds like the sea, so I’ll give her the prefix “tide”, because that’s what she reminds me of because she can take control of things. Yes, more cringe, but ya that’s me. Also, “claw” for the suffix because she’s pretty fierce.
Result: Tideclaw
Ah, yes! Poor and misunderstood Peril! I have mixed oppinions on her… but I gonna go right ahead and say “Blaze” as her prefix and “Heart” as her suffix, because she’s fierce but beneath all that she’s kind and deeply cares for her loved ones.
Result: Blazeheart
That name is a decent warrior name on its own, actually. And part of me is tempted to go right ahead with Nightwing because it sounds, right, because any of you Wings Of Fire fans no why, because he IS a Nightwing. So I might stick with night as the prefix, then go with “Shine” as the suffix, because he’s brave and smart, two attributes that I think of when I think of shining.
Result: Nightshine
Glory is sassy, so I want to go with Spark, for the prefix, and I want to go with “Swirl” for the suffix, because she can change colors.
Result: Sparkswirl
Ah, he’s a hard one! I’m gonna go with “Breeze” for his prefix, because he’s playful. And “heart” for the suffix, because he’s really kind and helpful when he has to be!
Result: Breezeheart
I LOOOOVVE Anemone!!! I think I’ll give her the prefix brook, because she’s bubbly. Yes, bubbling brook, oh my gosh, #Cringe, haha, and I think I’ll put hop as the suffix because that just kinda sounds right.
Result: Brookhop
So, I hope you enjoyed my super cringey article, and I’ll see ya next time! Rosefern out!
I totally agree with all the names! I would have also named Tsunami Tidalclaw 😛
Great article! I LOVE the name Brookhop 🙂
This was a really fun article!! NightShine is a really cool name, I think shine was the perfect suffix for Starflight
Aw ty guys! :DD
Great article, and it’s not cringy at all!
The cover art. Immaculate.
cats with wings!