Happy Birthday, Lynxpaw/nose!

It’s Lynxpaw/nose’s Birthday!

Hi Lynxpaw!

Guess what day it is today?! Your birthday!! Happy Birthday!!! We’re all hoping it’s wonderful!

I hope you’re excited for today! Do you have any plans? It’s a weekend so you’ll have the whole day off and no school! Will you celebrate with family or friends? Do something you love? Whatever it is, I hope you have a great time! 😀

If you want to, then you’re more than welcome to share all about your birthday in the comments below! However this is not compulsory of course! <3

three large cupcakes with turquoise piped icing and rainbow coloured sprinkles scattered on top.

Here are some really fun cupcakes I picked out for you which you can virtually share with your friends on the Blog! Don’t they look delicious?! I especially love the shade of turquoise for the icing because it has a vibrant and cheerful feel to it! 🙂

You also have a gift sent in for you from Rosepaw/fern, which I’ll put below!

“Happy birthday Lynxpaw!!! You give off such good vibes! When I’m writing this, you’ve only just joined the Blog, but I’m already so glad you did, because you’re just absolutely awesome! Have a great day!”

Everyone on the blog is wishing you an amazing day! We really hope you have a great time and love seeing you around on BlogClan!

Have fun!

From Aquila and everyone here 🧡

🩵🦅 Eagleflight (Aquila)🍃🎶

It's a beautiful day and I can't stop myself from smiling!