[Sol stands illuminated against the eclipse in the sky]

Cats that Became Villains and Why by Hollypool

Hollypool shares their opinion on some villains and how they turned out that way from the series.

[Sol stands illuminated against the eclipse in the sky]
Art by SatzzzArt
[Sol stands illuminated against the eclipse in the sky]

Hello! I’m Hollypool, and this is my first article so it’ll kind of suck. Today, I’ll be sharing my opinions on warrior villains and how they came to be. Let’s get started, shall we?
1. Mapleshade
In the novella, Mapleshade was grief-stricken after her kits, Patchkit, Petalkit, and Larchkit drowned in the river. She then swears to avenge them, causing her to get sent to the Dark Forest for murdering. In conclusion, Mapleshade became a villain for revenge.
2. Ashfur
So, no offense to any Ashfur lovers, but this guy is kind of too dramatic. Take a look at Thrushpelt! Did he try to murder Bluestar’s kits, take over Oakheart’s body and threaten the clans? Not really. Ashfur, on the other hand, could not get over the rejection and went a little bit overboard. It’s clear the Ashfur did all this for love.
3. Tigerstar
Tigerstar is your average bully, and really, really obsessed with power. He killed numerous cats just so he could become leader. fortunately, Firestar was there to stop him. Still, he came back from the dead and started a war because he still had grudges. In my opinion, he became a villain for power and fame.
4. Scourge
Scourge had the whole Bloodclan under his paws, which is basically an army, but was the enough? NOOOO. I understand that Bloodclan needed more territory and he wanted revenge on Tigerstar (which he got), but can’t he just go to another place? And why hold his grudge against all the cats? If you ask me, he did it mostly for fun.
5. Sol
Sol is very clever and smart, he just used his talent on the wrong things. He strives to destroy the clans after Skyclan banished him, which is weird if you ask me, becuase at that time the four clans didn’t even know Skyclan existed. Overall, I think Sol became a villain for revenge, like Mapleshade, exept it was for himself, not kits. It would be funny if he had kits though, maybe that would change him into being a good father? I guess we’ll never know.
Anyways, that’s all for this article! I hope I didn’t do too bad. Tell m how you like it in the comments. Until next time!

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