Wafiritaque shares why they like Goldenflower.
![[a design of Goldenflower sitting]](https://blogclan.katecary.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/goldenflower-by-marymsjay-warriors-art-244x300.png)
[a design of Goldenflower sitting]
I will list the reasons on why I like Goldenflower so much 🙂
-Her life and her family are very interesting, her younger siblings were Snowkit and Mistlekit, both of which never made it to adulthood. I wonder how that impacted her, having young kits herself at the time of their deaths. Her first mate was Patchpelt, which she had Swiftpaw and Lynxkit with, who she didn’t get to see grow up. She also, in a way, didn’t get to see Tawnypelt grow up, which left her with only one of her children. We didn’t get to see her reaction to Swiftpaw’s death, probably because they were added as her kits later, but still, that must’ve been horrible for her, especially because Tigerstar is the reason Swiftpaw died, I think it would be very interesting seeing how she would react to finding out that her ex boyfriend basically killed her child.
-She was such a nice and sweet cat, she was the first permanent nursery queen, she helped Ferncloud with raising her kits, maybe Ferncloud ended up becoming a nursery queen as well because of Goldenflower? I think she was pretty close with Longtail, they were both elders at the same time, and she often helped him get around the new territories. He was also Swiftpaw’s mentor, which might be the reason they were close. She even helped him during the badger attack while she was hurt herself. Longtail is also her other ex boyfriend, Patchpelt’s oldest child, so I think their dynamic is very interesting. I like to think that her, Longtail and Mousefur were close friends. She was also probably pretty close friends with Frostfur, another nursery queen near the time she had Bramblekit and Tawnykit. She was probably close with Brindleface as well.
-She was asked to be Stormkit and Featherkit’s foster mother, and nurse them, and she loved them as much as she loved her own kits. She was probably heartbroken when the kits she had taken in, were being taken away from her so quickly. which also means that, out of five kits she helped raise, she only got to see one of them grow up. Also Stormkit and Featherkit come back to ThunderClan as apprentices after Tigerstar ordered to get them killed, but we never saw Goldenflower’s reaction to that, sadly.
-I really wonder how she would react to finding out about Sasha, Mothwing and Hawkfrost.
-She has a lot of missed potential honestly, her character is very interesting but she barely gets any focus, especially in the later books.
-Goldenflower should get her own novella honestly, less important characters have gotten novellas, like: Redtail, Pebbleshine and Daisy. If she got a novella I wonder what it would be called, maybe “Goldenflower’s regret” or something.
-Anyway Goldenflower is an awesome character that didn’t get enough time or focus! 🙂
Great article!!! Yes it might be fun to have a goldenflower super edition!
Great article! I TOTALLY agree!!!!!
Great article! I would definitely read a goldenflower super edition, and that title is perfect! Maybe also something like ‘Goldenflower’s mistake’ would work too! (I’m getting too riled up now haha :D)
Great article! Goldenflower really strikes me as this background character that’s been through like EVERYTHING but doesn’t get enough credit
Great article! I have always liked Goldenflower, and you explained so much about her I didn’t notice.