Anonymous takes a look at aspects of the series that make it inappropriate for kids.
![[image description: a collage of Rusty sitting, Graypaw on his hind legs, Bluestar calling out, and Brambleclaw's eyes above them]](
[image description: a collage of Rusty sitting, Graypaw on his hind legs, Bluestar calling out, and Brambleclaw’s eyes above them]
This is probably the main problem with warrior cats, stop reading if you are uncomfortable with the following thing:
Gore, LOTS of gore.
Detailed birth description
Animal death
If you’re not, let’s get started!
1. The darkest hour
I know TigerStar is a bad cat, but that’s no excuse for Scourge RIPPING him open, the amount of blood that could be leaking from that scene was almost as much as AshFurFire (pun, but wrong time).
2. MapleShade
Yes, just mapleshade. The gore in that book was INSANE one of the reasons it should be targeted 11+ if you forgot her story, let me quickly sum it up.
She was accused of drowning her kits by her mate
She brutally killed AppleDusk (her mate)
(Another death)
She got EXILED, and I still don’t see her as a disgusting tortoiseshell, just a poor cat who lost her mate and kits.
I just figured out that tigerstar got DISEMBOWLED?????????
WOAH WOAH WOAH, “searches up most violent death” it’s the tigerstar and scourge one, wait they were the same thing? Well, The amount of organs was his amount of lives I guess- yeah, warrior cats is 100% NOT FOR 9 UNDER!!!! If you have a child and are on here and they are 9 under, don’t let them read it, the warrior cats roblox game doesn’t show blood, that’s good at least. And I’ve never seen someone do weird stuff on there.
4. Greencough, I think it’s brutal.
I know sicknesses are normal, but I find it brutal.
WASNT WHITECOUGH ENOUGH? I swear more than 10 cats died from that THING.
But first, thank the warrior cats wiki for saying on the medicine page, don’t feed these to your cat. THIS STOPS TIKTOK TRENDS! Remember, animal related TikTok trends are nothing to laugh about and support, if you find one in real life, Tell them to stop immediately. WAIT I GOT OUT OF TOPIC- Back to greencough, this thing has killed many cats.
5. Detailed birth description.
so I know I know, “iTs To ShOw ReAlIzIm” but that’s not needed… AT ALL. I haven’t read a scene with it but here’s what I think it is: ” the light pink kit looked wet, and sized like a maple leaf” I didn’t go TOO much I to detail, but that’s because it’s too innapropiate.
I started when i was 8 and i am 9 and right now
i don’t think the erins should put less gore in this series, just make this be better targeted audience