Hi Viper!
Happy Birthday!!! Everyone on the Blog hopes your day is wonderful! 😀
Do you have any exciting birthday plans? What will you be doing to celebrate today? Will you be eating birthday cake, or something equally delicious?
If you’d like, then you’re free to tell us all about your birthday in the comments below! But if you don’t want to, then you don’t have to of course! 🙂

You probably guessed it from me asking you not so subtly on discord but I tried to find your favourite cake flavour for this post! So behold the chocolate cake with chocolate marshmallow icing! This one apparently has marshmallow between the layers as well as a filling, so I think that must make it even more delicious! 😀 (me saying that as someone who doesn’t really like marshmallow 😛 )
Now is time for me to pass on all the gifts I’ve received from BlogClanners to you!
Firstly, here is a present from Rosepaw/fern:
“Hi Vip-Vip! Happy happy birthday!!!! I hope you have an awesome day! Thank you so much for being awesome as a mod! For you, I have a cupcake!”

And this gift is from Irisflower:
“Happy Birthday Viperfrost! You are an amazing mod, and you deserve a great Birthday celebration!!
What flavor is your cake? What kind of cake is it? What are you going to do on this fun-filled day?
What ever you are doing, me and the whole of Blogclan (whew thats a lotta Birthday supporters whoo wee) wish you the best Birthday ever!!

This has been sent in for you from Bubblepaw/patch:
“Hi Vips! I hope you have a birthday as amazing as you are!
~ Bubbleaw/Patch”

And this is from Viperpaw/fang:
“Hi Viperfrost, the amazing mod and also my prefix buddy! Happy birthday! I really appreciate everything you do for us! Hope you enjoy the cake I’m sending you! And yes, it’s a CAKE! Amazing, isn’t it? HAVE A GOOD BIRTHDAY VIPERFROST!!!!”

Last but certainly not least, I have this message for you from Tansybranch:
“Hey! I just wanted to let you know that you are awesome. Ever since I have joined the blog, (to be honest) I haven’t actually had that much meeting with you or interactions. But every time I have or even just passing by a comment that you have replied to it shows how kind and thoughtful you are about everyone in the blog. (even our arson) Love you Vipey! Have a amazing day 🙂 “
All of BlogClan is wishing you the bestest day today!! You deserve to have a brilliant birthday, and thank you so much for always helping me with anything mod-related I’m unsure about!
Happy birthday Vip! You do soooo much for the blog and we all love you for it! 🙂
Happy birthday Viperfrost!! I don’t think we’ve talked before but I’ve seen you in previous comments and you seem awesome 😀 I hope you had a great day!
happy b-day 😀
oof im a day late
Happy birthday! 💜
You have such a beautiful name, btw!
HAPPY B-DAY, VIPER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!