Spottedfang wonders if Yellowfang’s fate as a medicine cat was destined.
Hi I’m Spottedfang and this is my first article. As I was reading yellowfang’s super edition, I started to wonder, even if yellowfang didn’t have her special injury superpowers would she have become a medicine cat on her own will?
From a young age yellowkit wasn’t opposed to helping sagewhisker organize her herb stores, her super edition even suggested that she enjoyed it and as an apprentice she happily collected precious herbs that would help Shadow Clan survive through leaf-bear. She also frowned upon her fellow apprentices Foxpaw and Wolfpaw who rowdily trampled precious herb shoots. This suggests she may have gone down the path of a medicine cat.
When Yellowpaw found a badger residing in Shadow Clan territory, she was reluctant to chase it out, when she saw it raising badger cubs, she didn’t want to harm it. In fact, she was very relived when the badger left its den of its own will so it wasn’t harmed by Shadow Clan warriors. She also hated bored skirmishes and unnecessary bloodshed. This suggests she may have gone down the path of a medicine cat.
When Sliverflame was sick Yellowpaw noticed and got Sagewhisker’s help. But when Sliverflame tragically died Yellowpaw blamed sagewhisker and avoided her whenever possible. It took Lizardfang and Littlebird’s words and yet Yellowpaw still avoided Sagewhisker. This may have stopped Yellowfang from travelling down the path of a medicine cat.
Since medicine cats can’t have mates of kits as it would be breaking the warrior code, Yellowfang may not have become a medicine cat because of her love for Raggedpelt. Raggedpelt may be a grouchy grump and you might be wondering why she might break the warrior code from such a meanie, it’s because Raggedpelt is so mean is because he doesn’t want to lose Yellowfang. Since these two cats both love each other Yellowfang may never have become a medicine cat because she doesn’t like breaking the warrior code.
So that’s it for this article, I would love to know what you think. Please write in the comments if you think Yellowfang would or wouldn’t end up as a medicine with out her injury superpowers. Thank you 🙂
I think she had a good chance to become a medicine cat, but I also agree that she wouldn’t want to break the warrior/medicine cat code, but she was expecting kits before she became a medicine cat, but didn’t realize until after. Great first article, by the way! 😀
(Hopefully I can finish my first article soon 😛 )
Merry Early Christmas!! 🎁
Great article!
good job!
Thank you for such lovely comments!!!!!!!!!! and a merry early Christmas to you to.
Great article Spotted! I disagree though, in her SE, correct me if I’m wrong, she was very reluctant to become a medicine cat and took a lot of convincing. I think she would have, without her powers, became a warrior with Raggedstar. But no criticism to the actual article, it was great!
Good article I love Yellowfang! 🩷
Nice article I like Yellowfang I understand what you’re saying. Yellowfang had to make some tough decisions!
Great article! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Only the authors know.