Amberpaw takes a look at StarClan.
Good morning/afternoon/evening! This is Amberpaw/flight back with a second article! Today I’m going to share my opinions on a point I have noticed a while already: the flaws of StarClan’s organization and how it might bring a devastating ending. As always, feel free to express your agreements and disagreements in the comments. They might help me provide an insight to other perspectives and inspire me to write another article!
(No spoilers from any arc. I’ve did my best at avoiding spoiling anything, so no worries.)
1. Do StarClan cats avenge?
With that said, today we are going to discuss StarClan, a common topic I see in BlogClan articles. As we all know, StarClan isn’t divided into four Clans but is instead the unity of the ancestors of all Clans. The first question that comes to my mind when I read this part in “Into the Wild” a long time ago was, cats die and are suddenly friendly to other Clans? This struck me as an interesting point, for it is normal for cats to have negative memories of his/her relationship with another Clan. This type of hatred cannot be forgotten easily, especially when cats don’t actually undergo a dramatic change as they go to StarClan, based on my understanding of the stories. This does not provide adequate evidence for the fact that everything is forgiven in StarClan.
In extreme cases, this may make cats do things that only benefit their own Clan. After all, everyone has a positive side and a negative side, so it isn’t ensured that all cats who find their way to StarClan would be completely cooperative toward other Clans, especially with cats who were once their rivals. As we all know, StarClan cats have a lot of self-confidence and would not give in to their enemies even after they die. Anyway, this might cause a war in StarClan, which would mess up the whole thing.
2. When does a StarClan leader retire?
StarClan doesn’t generally have a definite leader, but we can see through the stories that cats like Bluestar fulfill that place. Bluestar has also noted that Firestar will be a new leader after he dies – most likely that of StarClan. (Correct me if I’m wrong or there was a Warriors book about this.) Leaders in StarClan don’t stay as leader until they die, because deaths and fade-aways in StarClan are very uncommon. Instead, they decide for themselves when they choose the next leader. Some leaders might want to reign for an excessively long time, and this may cause battles and mess up the whole thing as well.
3. How does a StarClan leader choose the next leader?
Cats in StarClan don’t vote for their leader, which means the leader is able to choose the next leader. This may be a flawless method to use in the other Clans, but in StarClan, a leader might only choose a cat from their own Clan to serve as the next leader in StarClan. Several consecutive leaders from the same Clan might anger other StarClan cats and cause battles among StarClan. (Again?!)
4. What if they SHOULD choose a leader from their Clan?
Sometimes a leader in StarClan might choose a cat from their own Clan to serve as the next leader fairly. For example, Bluestar and Firestar are both from ThunderClan, but Bluestar chooses Firestar anyway because the latter deserves to be leader. Instead, Bluestar might not choose, say, Blackstar, because he might not have been as good a leader as Firestar. However, StarClan cats who were once from ShadowClan might misunderstand this, or take advantage of it, which would cause battles and mess up the whole thing again.
5. So what is the end of StarClan?
Battles. Living Clans lose their faith. Mess up the whole thing.
Do we wan’t that, no.
6. Final Thoughts
StarClan cats are often seen as wise and experienced. A vast majority of them are, i have to admit, because they’re old and have experienced the final moments of their life. However, we see in the story that they do not really experience a dramatic change after they die. Instead, some cats might be too fed up with the tranquility in StarClan. This constant laziness makes them forget what life below was like and took away their ability to defend themselves in case there happens to be a war. As you can see, at the end of Omen of the Stars, the cats were so unused to an unpeaceful StarClan that they needed a young Jayfeather to unite them.
Of course, different people may have different perspectives on StarClan. What is your idea? Tell me in the comments! Amberpaw out!
Great article! I never much thought of this befor but I agree now I think abt it
Wow, Great article! I sureeeee hope that Starclan doesn’t end up in an everlasting war with themselves-
Amazing article! I love how concisely you spoke and how you managed to not spoil anything. But I disagree to an extent. I don’t think StarClan has a leader at all. Bluestar was very involved in Firestar’s life after his death, and she was a leader in her life so maybe some StarClan cats specifically from ThunderClan followed her decisions in StarClan. But I think that, because Bluestar, and some of ThunderClan who would have followed her, are the only glimpse of StarClan we ever really see, it isn’t fair to assume that Bluestar is leader of everything. And as for what you said about how it’s weird that StarClan cats apparently forgive everything, The Broken Code was six books about how that isn’t true. I think that except in Ashfur’s case, formerly vengeful cats that go to StarClan let all of their troubles go because perhaps they find it petty to fight when they are now in the same water-monster as everyone else, bringing no need to fight.
Great article!
Great article! Just one question, I thought the books said that StarClan doesn’t have a leader. Because everyone is nice and doesn’t need one?
Nice article! I never really thought of StarClan having leaders, but I see what you mean. I guess they would be the cats who judge if a cat will be accepted into StarClan or not, like you said, Bluestar would be an example :))
Yassss that is SOOO true. Starclans overconfident and selfcentered. I dont think starclans necessarily evil, only patronizing and selfish.
Tho i dont think starclan has leaders. Not official ones, at least. Some cat just thinks theyre better, and the others think its convenient for them to lead
Great article! I don’t think that StarClan has a leader because of peace and stuff? Idk. Anyways, StarClan is so annoying sometimes. I totally agree!!!