Emeraldclaw lists who they think should have the chance to tell their own stories.
Hi, it’s me, Emeraldclaw and today I’ll be telling you about cats who I think deserve a super edition or a novella (when you see this: SE.N. that stands for Super edition or novella)
I think that Nightstar deserves a SE.N. because so many other leaders in his time have it and because it must have been hard knowing that you were rejected as a leader by Starclan. It could be called Nightstar’s Trial (I know there’s already Crowfeather’s Trial but still) since it’s about a trial for him to become a good leader. (kinda)
I think that Lionheart deserves a SE.N. because it would be cool to see what was going through his head when he met Firestar and all that. also i would like to see what it was like for him to die and when he gave firestar one of nine lives; a life for courage. it could be called Lionheart’s Courage because he is a very courageous cat
I think breezepelt should have a SE.N. because then we could get a look of what’s going on in windclan and because we could see what is going through his mind when he attacks Jayfeather/trains in the Dark Forest. It could be called Breezepelt’s Training since he trains in the Dark forest.
I also think that Heathertail deserves a SE.N. because it would be great to experience her love and heartbreak. and also get a look inside WindClan. a good name would be Heathertail’s Love because she is in love with Lionblaze and then she becomes mates with Breezepelt.
I think Stormfur deserves an SE.N because I want to know what it was like on his journey back to ThunderClan with Brook. It could be called Stormfur’s Exile because he was exiled from the tribe.
I think Hawkfrost should have a super edition because I want to know what it’s like in the Dark Forest. And also because I want to know how he felt when Bramblestar killed him and he got to be deputy but then that was taken away from him. It could be called Hawkfrost’s Desire since he desired so many things but he never really got them.
Hope you enjoyed it! See you next time! Bye!
What about jayfeather?!
Lionblaze what about when he was exiled?
Hawkfrost would be great! What was going on inside his twisted mind? I’m pretty sure, (if I remember correctly), that he met with Tigerstar more than Brambleclaw, what went on during those meetings? Plus, we know next to nothing about Ashfur’s involvement in the plan to trap Firestar. A Hawkfrost SE.N would give us so much insight!
Good article. I personally think there should be super editions/novellas for characters who had a period of time that wasn’t in the books already. For nightstar, that could be in shadowclan after yellowfang left or during the sickness. For lionheart, I’m not sure but to be honest it would be interesting to see BP from his pov. Breezepelt yes, all that time before or after CT, same with heathertail (my favourite character!) po3 from her perspective would be great. Stormfur, THE TRIBE OF RUSHING WATER. But maybe that would be better from a tribe born cat’s pov (we’ve had enough clan cat povs 😂). Hawkfrost could have a novella or something from the dark forest but I personally hate hawkfrost.