ok, so- (I’m still getting use to being called CloudPaw) I would like to ask a question – do you care about queens? no? if not, then that’s understandable, I mean, most main characters are either warriors or medicine cats, and sometimes deputy. But, I’ve noticed something – something most of you probably haven’t noticed – or have, but hasn’t mentioned too often. Queens seem to ALWAYS have their kits one or half a moon before they’re due!!!! I mean, it’s common enough that having them the exact moment they’re due is actually MORE rare than not! So – qeustion – HOW HAS NONE OF THE CLAN-CATS REALIZED THIS YET?!
Well, simple – it’s because they are more afflicted with StarClan than ever, they don’t have time to see if a queen has their kits before due or not. BUT STILL! Shouldn’t at l east a medicine cat have noticed? No, actually, like I said, they are too afflicted with StarClan, and worries more about them than one tired queen, having kits early. Ok, but why are kits always coming before they’re due? Another Simple thing – It’s called : Evolution – Maybe the Clan-Cats have faced so much trouble, that they have evolved to have kits early, so they can have warriors earlier, to fend in battle, and to replace those that have moved to the elder’s den, or have been lost. Well, we may not ever know the answer, but one thing is still true: Queens are kinda underrated. THEY ARE LIFE-GIVERS, and yet we give more attention to medicine cats, deputies, leaders, main characters… You know who brought those characters about? QUEENS! Sure, they may not be interesting, but I think we should feel some respect for them
One more thing – Also – Have you ever wondered why they call the cats expecting, or caring for kits Queens? Well… I think you would all know that they have to do with animals on our planet- One you would think of are ants – they worship their Queen – and what does their Queen do that none of the other ants in the colony do? that’s right! they give birth! So uh, yea – thought that would be interesting to share. ok, yeah, now bye – I guess.
Have you ever researched about the term ‘queens’? A queen is a female cat. The Erins only called the expecting cats queens and normal ones she-cats because that would be easier.
Also, typical pregnancy in cats last for about 60 days—are they really that early? If Violetshine was just starting her pregnancy in AVoS, and Rootspring got his apprentice ceremony in Lost Stars, it would have been two+six moons, which is eight. Bristlefrost was a kit in AVoS and an apprentice in Lost Stars—perfectly valid, as kit to warrior takes 12 moons. That shows that it’s probably accurate.
But I get what you mean!
Hehe- I wasn’t focusing on VioletShine or her pregnancy! I was talking about other queens in the series! (such as that one in BlueStar’s Prophecy that I forgot the name of) Also, I’ll admit- I haven’t read a few books in AVoS yet- I’ve only read book one and three!
Also, I didn’t do research for this article (other than in BlueStar’s Prophecy and other books containing Queens kitting early) Which is why I didn’t catch that! To be honest, when I decided to research this, I found out they are also called dams (like the beaver kind, not the other, more inappropriate kind!!!) I wonder why they didn’t just call them Mollies, which was also quite simple. (I also just mention that to make sure the article had more than 350 words!)
im fairly sure a molly is a fixed female cat, not just any female cat
Yep, that’s true!
Yes, a molly is a fixed female cat.
What is AVoS? Oh right! A vision of shadows, right? (oh why did I ask in the first place..)
yeah, you’re right, it is a vision of shadows lol
Great article!
Maybe the first known litter of kits was born late, so everyone thought that they were due at 2 moons instead of 1 😛
Cats are due at 2 moons though, because a cat is pregnant for 2 moons, which is equal to 2 months.
Great article! I agree with all your pints, but the fact at the end is false. A queen is a female cat
Hehe- I feel like that’s what everybody likes to point out-
Nice article
I will do it!!! Oh btw whenever I first read Warriors…
*Me reading allegiances*
*Sees -Queens-*
Me: “Are those the rulers or something? Are they more powerful than the leader??“
Wow cool article! I never knew why they were called queens b4 this!
Haha they always mention it in the books, I think it’s there at least once in every book 😛
they said they didnt know WHY the expecting cats were called queens :p
Never knew?
Actually, a queen is a female cat. The expecting she-cats weren’t named after ants (lol).
I know that now! (everybody’s been saying) (but it is still true the ant’s Queen is the only one to produce the young)
Great article! I wish there would be a queen POV Already!! They deserve it rahhh!
:proseeds to go on a ramble about why a Goldenflower Super Edition would be amazing;
I never realized this, super interesting!
I think kits being born early is mostly for the drama in the books! I think kits born between arcs are probably normal 🙂
Great article! Queens are VERY important. The Erins failed to pay attention to details like pregnancy dates 😅