Cadvent Day 1 – it’s finally here!

It’s finally here, the coziest time of year! And I can’t wait to spend this Cadvent with all of you! Has it begun to snow for any of you? It snowed here for a bit, but nothing has stayed on the ground – I’ve heard it’ll be a warm winter where I live this year…

Do you know who’s excited to celebrate the holidays? Spiritflight’s cats, Tiki and Chesterman, who are celebrating their second Christmas later this month!

a black cat with yellow eyes and a collar sits in the sunlight
a siamese cat with blue eyes sits on a stool in half-sunlight

Look at these kitties! They’re waiting so patiently for Christmas to come!! Thanks so much for sharing, Spiritflight. I hope Tiki and Chesterman have a wonderful holiday season!

Next up, Crowpaw shared a lovely image of their cat, Leo, dressed up so nicely under the tree!

an orange tabby cat with white paws sits under a Christmas tree and wears a santa hat

Leo looks so cute under the Christmas tree! I wonder what he wants for Christmas!! Thanks for sharing this adorable photo, Crowpaw!

Next up, Whitewhiskers has sent us a photo of him with his two cats, the Captain and Spoons! And, is that a Warriors book I spy on the armchair?

a man in a grey sweater sits in an armchair, petting two cats – one cat is black and white, and one is all black

This picture is so so cozy, and perfectly encapsulates the warmth and peace of the holiday season! I hope the Captain and Spoons are doing well, they look like such good kitties 😀

Our last photo for today was sent in by Amberleaf. It’s a lovely artwork of their OC dressed up as Dasher the reindeer!

this is a marker drawing. a grey cat with brown reindeer antlers soars across the night sky, which is dotted with stars

I love the purple colour of the sky, it really feels like I’m in a storybook! I think you’ve perfectly captured the serenity of those quiet, winter nights in December.

That’s all the photos for today – if your photo isn’t here, don’t worry! We have many more days to celebrate, so keep an eye out for future posts!! And keep sending those photos in 😀
