Hi everyone! I hope you’re all having an amazing day so far! <3 I’m here to bring you some festive pictures today that you’ll hopefully enjoy!
First up is an image sent in by Skypaw/shimmer:
“I don’t have a pet so I took my stuffed animals, Winter the arctic fox and Aurora the tiger, and put them IN the Christmas tree for a change 😛”

Don’t Winter and Aurora look so cute nestled together in the Christmas tree?! They’re certainly looking very happy there! 😀
Next up, I have a festive image sent in for you all from Bluebellsponge:

Oh dear! I wonder what happened to Patrick! Anyhow, thanks for sending this in, Bella!!
Lastly, I wanted to share with you all these photos:

This is my viola, with a little woolly hat I knitted for it myself for my orchestra’s Christmas concerts and events! This was the first thing I’d ever knitted so I’m pretty proud! 🙂 I think my viola likes it too! 😛
I’m considering also making one for my violin – what do you all think? If you play any instruments, have you ever knitted them hats? Quite a lot of the people at my orchestra have, for a wide variety of instruments!
Well that concludes today’s post so I’m going to head off now! I hope you enjoyed reading this and I wish you a wonderful day today! 😀
How can someone put a picture in one of those Cadvent days? I want to but I don’t know how
You can send pictures in here:
Hey Aquila!!! Hru ?!?? <333
So I wanted to try and send in one more photo, one of my dogs, but it keeps saying error again…even though I have tried two days apart. Do you know why this is happening? My wifi is good.
Birchy said they thought it might be because the image file size exceeded the BlogClan file size limit. Can you submit the image with a lower image quality? (Usually screenshotting will do it if you’re on mobile or a tablet)
Also I’m doing super good, thank you! How’re you doing? 😀
Never thought about knitting a hat for an instrument!
That hat is ADORABLE oh my StarClan Aquila that’s actually such a good idea why did I never think of that 😭 I would if I knew how to knit ahaha
Ikr!! I only thought of it because of violin friends who did it for their violins, I’m not sure who originally had the idea!
Teach me to knit. I have a concert on the 14th. Please. I have to do that.
These are some videos I watched! 😀
I used knit stitch the whole way through the hat because I couldn’t figure out how to knit any other stitches! 😛 To make it into a hat shape, I knitted two together for some of the later rows so that the material narrowed into something smaller towards the top. The material I knitted ended up being too big for my viola so I tucked some of it on the inside, and sewed it in so that it fitted on the viola scroll nicely! And to change colour, I did what you’re not meant to and just tied the new colour wool to the end of the old colour wool at the end of the row and kept knitting. 😛
Whoever it was, they’re a genius 😛
Ooo such amazing photos :0
I should knit something for my violin now lol.
Thank you for organizing today, Aquila! Your viola looks adorable 🙂
These photos are awesome! Your viola looks very cozy, Aquila! 😛
Patrick is having a blue Christmas
Lol yes 😛
I loved all the pics!! And your viola looks very festive Aquila, it’s so cute <333
Thank you!!
Love the viola photos! I need to crochet mine a tiny little hat now <3
Yesss! 😀
idk it think I should crochet one for my flute, and Aquila, YOU NEED TO SELL THOSEEEEE! SO CUTE!
Haha I don’t think I could sell them but I bet the leader of my orchestra could because hers have multiple striped colours and fancy stitches (she’s really good at knitting)!
You should totally crochet one for your flute! 😀
Awww your viola looks so cute and so is Shimmz’s plushies and Bella’s pic <3 I honestly never thought of knitting my violin one; I would love to make one for mine and my brother’s trumpet if I learn how to knit 😀
Oooh tell me if you make a trumpet one – I’m tempted to try knit for my flugelhorn but I can’t figure out where a hat would go on the instrument!
Cute Aquila! Couldn’t help noticing your perfect nails 😂
Ahaha ty! They’re not actually that great though 😛 I’ve kind of destroyed them from years of playing violin so they’re really short!