Cadvent Day 5!

Yay, it’s time for Cadvent!!

Hi everyone! I hope you’re all having an amazing day so far! <3 I’m here to bring you some festive pictures today that you’ll hopefully enjoy!

First up is an image sent in by Skypaw/shimmer:

“I don’t have a pet so I took my stuffed animals, Winter the arctic fox and Aurora the tiger, and put them IN the Christmas tree for a change 😛”

a stuffed animal tiger and arctic fox are nestled in a Christmas tree, held in by a ribbon

Don’t Winter and Aurora look so cute nestled together in the Christmas tree?! They’re certainly looking very happy there! 😀

Next up, I have a festive image sent in for you all from Bluebellsponge:

Patrick lies on one side with a Santa hat on his head

Oh dear! I wonder what happened to Patrick! Anyhow, thanks for sending this in, Bella!!

Lastly, I wanted to share with you all these photos:

a dark red wooden viola with a small purple and white woolly hat on top is held by a hand on the edge of the frame
the top of the viola is visible with a closer view of the woolly hat on top

This is my viola, with a little woolly hat I knitted for it myself for my orchestra’s Christmas concerts and events! This was the first thing I’d ever knitted so I’m pretty proud! 🙂 I think my viola likes it too! 😛
I’m considering also making one for my violin – what do you all think? If you play any instruments, have you ever knitted them hats? Quite a lot of the people at my orchestra have, for a wide variety of instruments!

Well that concludes today’s post so I’m going to head off now! I hope you enjoyed reading this and I wish you a wonderful day today! 😀

🩵🦅 Eagleflight (Aquila)🍃🎶

It's a beautiful day and I can't stop myself from smiling!