LilyIris lists chill characters they love from the series.
![[Spottedleaf sits in a snowy forest with sunlight streaming through the trees]](
[Spottedleaf sits in a snowy forest with sunlight streaming through the trees]
Um so hi! My name is LilyIris, (couldn’t think of anything else sorry). So… am obviously new to BlogClan but no one wants to hear about that right?
Anywayyyyyys some facts bout myself
1.) Am human
2.) Am cat lover
So yea let’s get on with the Top Ten Bestest Warriors/Medicine Cat/Apprentice!!!! (only from the first and second series)
1.) Spottedleaf
Omg I hated it when she died trying to save Sandstorm. DARN YOU MAPLESHADE
But yes- she’s gone. So is everything I loved in the Warrior Cat Series.
2.) Silverstream
Like I said- Mapleshade, you should more than a chill pill- ever heard of a therpist? Just saying. But dying while kitting? Honestly.
3.) Feathertail
So she just died in a foreign land? No going back home? Honestly, that’s kinda sad. All the chill cats I LOVED died miserably. At least Sharptooth’s dead. At least. But FEATHERTAIL?! First Silverstream and now Feathertail?
4.) Fireheart (star)
I mean, who wouldn’t like him? Defeated Tigerstar, saved the Clans from BloodClan, rebuilt Skyclan, basically save every cat from disastrous death… pretty normal cat, right?
Fine, no more sarcasm. But SERIOUSLY!!!! Who wouldn’t like him?
5.) Bluefur (star)
Bluefur’s life was mainly suffering, like only about 302 cats dying in her lifetime.
1.) Moonflower died (!)
2.) Snowfur died (!!)
3.) Had to give up relationship with Oakheart and whatnot (!!!)
4.) Had to give up kits (!!!!)
That’s only a few but I’m too lazy to think of more. Sorry.
6.) Cinderpelt
She saved Littlecloud and Whitethroat from sickness, AND ACTUALLY STUCK TO MEDICINE CAT RULES!!!!!!! Like her feelings weren’t important and she had to watch her crush (Fireheart) mate with Sandstorm. (W Rizz Fireheart)
7.) Thrushpelt
He was such a good friend to Bluefur, not even being a jealous toxic idiotic cat.
8.) Featherwhisker
Yes, I heard all the gossip bout Goosefeather, and yes I do admit Goosefeather wasn’t THAT much of a lazy bum. But Featherwhisker basically did all the work while his mentor was dEteCtiNG tHe SiGNs from StarClan. I mean, Featherwhisker did all the work at Leopardfoot’s kitting.
Cool article! Sorry (I think) it got cut off!
And I love all those characters too, why did they have to die 😭
Maybe she couldn’t think of more?Or………Yeah your right
Great article, I completely agree! (First?)
Rip sorry, you were second
Great article! I like feathertail a lot and also featherwhisker!!!
Joking twolegs are nice”
-Carrotpaw to the amazing twoleg
you sound a lot like someone i know irl…like A LOT a lot…but idk if they read warriors i’ll have to ask
great article!
Great article!! (Welcome to BlogClan!)
*also, i think you meant Oakheart instead of Ashfur? 🙂
No, they meant Ashfur, Oakheart isn’t the one who tried to kill the kids of the woman he liked because she didn’t pick him, Ashfur did.
Yeah no one ever said “OmG oAkHeArT kIlLeD hIs KiTs,StArClAn SaVe uS!” ✨
I agree with most of these. Feathertail is one of my favorite warriors and I hate SO much that she died T-T
Same with Sliverstream, and Cinderpelt. Ok, I also like Bluestar and her death was probably one of the most heartbreaking. Only one I didn’t care for was Spottedleaf but.. yeah
Great article btw!
My two favorite warrior cats are Spottedleaf and Fireheart. I am sad for those who died being great warrior cats.
I don’t really get why people love Spottedleaf so much, she hardly did anything no offence
Great article! Welcome to BlogClan 🐾❤️
I absolutely love ur PFP and I am a total fan of ROTTMNT too (not trying to take away from what ur sayin Lilyiris but so happy I found another ROTTMNT fan)
I agree but not with thrushpelt. I think towards the end Bluestar was not exactly chill bruh don’t name a cat lostface it won’t get good reviews ( life advice )
Okay, some of these things I don’t agree with on you, but everyone has dif opinions! But I absolutely love this article and loved how you said your thoughts, I do agree with a lot of these things tho!