Hey all! Welcome back – I had my final exam yesterday for the semester and we had our first proper snow fall of the year, so thing are looking quite cozy right now 😀 I hope you’ve all had a restful start to the week
Bluebell/Bella has sent in a very classic Bella picture – Spongebob related!

I can’t say I know entirely what’s going on in this picture, but Patrick looks happy and festive, so really what else do I need to know? 😀
Frogpaw also sent in a lovely photo of their dog, Posey, looking absolutely festive!

Posey looks soo adorable!! I love this picture 😀
Lastly, Willowdawn has asked me to put in a photo of their guinea pig, Caramel, who sadly passed away recently. So here’s a photo of the lovely Caramel, with a santa hat added to the picture – Caramel may not be able to celebrate Cadvent with us right now, but I’m sure he’s enjoying the festivities somewhere 🙂

Let’s all wish Willowdawn some well wishes, okay? <3 lots of hugs
Oooo festive Patrick! 😮 Posey looks so adorable <3 although I saw the news on the tavern, I'm so sorry about Caramel; may he rest in peace <3
thank you wynn <333