[Breezepelt and Heathertail in a grassy field, the former is snarling while the latter is tearfully speaking]

Breezepelt’s Breakdown by Honeyfrost

Honeyfrost takes a look at Breezepelt.

[Breezepelt and Heathertail in a grassy field, the former is snarling while the latter is tearfully speaking]
Art by Catlawn
[Breezepelt and Heathertail in a grassy field, the former is snarling while the latter is tearfully speaking]

Helloooo! Honeyfrost again 🙂 So today, I’m gonna begin with my Breezepelt “Analysis”, as that’s what some of y’all told me to do 😀

Noww…we all know Breezepelt..right? The black cat with a history of crimes? Yeah…that one 😉 Now, usually, an analysis consists of comparing and contrasting to other characters.

OKAY so, you might be wondering how am I going to relate him to any other characters. He’s not like any others…right? Wrong. This cat is quite a beloved character that shares a similar story. Who could that cat be? Did you know it’s Bramblestar? “No! Bramblestar is NOTHING like Breezepelt.” You may be saying butt you would be WRONG(respectfully)!

Brambleclaw (Notice BrambleCLAW not Bramblestar) as a character was so interesting in the second arc (TNP) because of the relationship he has with his half-sibling(Hawkfrost >:( ) and his father. Tigerstar is one of the first (most well known) villains of the warriors series, so what could go wrong with exploring his children.. Why was he so interesting, you ask? Brambleclaw overcame his mentally/physically abusive father, about how he felt he wasn’t worthy because of his relation to his father, and how he almost accepts his father the same way Hawkfrost does. Brambleclaw in a way became the interesting hero of the story, which made everyone love him so much.

Breezepelt is simillar, but the writing was done better, ya know? Even if we never had his POV (I think??)

Breezepelt is the son of Crowfeather and Nightcloud. THE ONLY REASON HE HAD KITS WITH HER WAS TO FORGET ABOUT LEAFPOOL/FEATHERTAIL. Even though he had stated that he ‘loved’ Nightcloud, we all know it isn’t true. He ends up neglecting Nightcloud and Breezepelt, and eventually see him favor Leafpool’s kits (Lionblaze, Jayfeather, Hollyleaf) over his own son (WHO HE RAISED?). In Outcast we see him trying his best for his dad and him being rejected in favor for Lionblaze’s accomplishments. After so long…would you have a perfect mindset? Yeah, I didn’t think so.

Therefore, he later on got manipulated by The Dark Forest, not only to kill the cats in The Clans, and the cats he loved, but to watch cats he knew die. I’m not saying attempting to kill a deaf and pregnant cat is okay…but try to see his point of view?

Thank you so much, Love Honeyfrost!

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