[a kitten lays on a blanket with a toy. the image has the text, "If I won the award for laziness, I would send somebody to pick it up for me."]

If Warriors Won Awards and Superlatives by Anonymous

An anonymous BlogClanner gives out awards to Warrior Cats characters.

[a kitten lays on a blanket with a toy. the image has the text, "If I won the award for laziness, I would send somebody to pick it up for me."]
Source unknown
[a kitten lays on a blanket with a toy. the image has the text, “If I won the award for laziness, I would send somebody to pick it up for me.”]

Hello! It’s the beginning of a new year and today I’m going to recognize characters for the things they’re best at and “hand out” awards.

The way this will work is I will say the name of the award, briefly describe what it means, name the runner-up(s), and then say who wins the award, with a short reason why. Let’s start!

Best Mother
This award goes to the best queen in the series. There were a lot of good options, but I ultimately came down to two.

Runner-Up: Ferncloud

Winner: Goldenflower!
Goldenflower always stood up for Bramblekit and Tawnykit when others doubted them because of their father. She stayed strong in the face of betrayal and supported her kits with a gentle firmness all the way through. She also never held it against Tawnypelt for leaving ThunderClan.

Best Father
Fathers deserve recognition too! This goes to the best dad in the Clans.

Runner-Up: Fernsong

Winner: Gray Wing!
Gray Wing never said no to a kit in need. He willingly cared for Thunder, and when his nephew returned after trying to go to his real father, Gray Wing welcomed him back instead of bearing a grudge. He was also a loving father to Turtle Tail’s kits and treated them as if they were his own — it’s a shame he died before he could spend much time with his own kits.

Best Mentor
Up next is the mentor with the best mix of patience and firmness.

Runner-Up: Rosepetal

Winner: Whitefang
Mentor to Leopardstar and Whiteclaw, Whitefang was patient, wise, and good-humored. He didn’t treat Leopardstar as less even though she was young to be an apprentice. He was also accommodating to Leopardstar’s fear of water, but supportive when she finally learned. He continued to interact with his apprentice even after she became a warrior.

Best Mate
We always love a good ship! And some of these mates are phenomenal. Here’s the results:

Runner-Up: Dustpelt

Winner: Fernsong
I’ve never met someone who doesn’t like Fernsong — not only is he a good dad, but he’s a good mate too! Even though Fernsong doesn’t get a lot of page time, he is very sweet and thoughtful, which balances Ivypool out. He also promised to help her in the nursery, and reassured her of having kits without pressuring her into doing so. This awesome tom deserves a round of applause!

Best Leader
Not every leader is great, but that makes the best ones shine even more!

Runner-Up: Riverstar (disclaimer: I haven’t read Riverstar’s Home — this is based on DotC)

Winner: Tallstar (sorry Firestar)
Tallstar was the wise and levelheaded leader of WindClan. He was willing to make alliances and put the good of the Clan before pride — something that many leaders struggle with. He always opted for peace, but wasn’t afraid to unsheathe his claws either. Tallstar was one of the most unproblematic leaders.

Best Hunter
This goes to the most talented hunter in the Clans!

Runner-Up: Ravenpaw (this guy caught an adder!)

Winner: Sandstorm!
Not everything about Warriors is consistent — but it has been noted over and over that Sandstorm is one of the best hunters in ThunderClan. I believe she helped hunt on the journey with Alderpaw as well, despite being an elder. This shouldn’t go unrecognized, so let’s congratulate Sandstorm for her talent!

Best Fighter
Being a warrior isn’t just hunting though — we have to recognize our fighters as well!

Runner-Up: Lionblaze

Winner: Ivypool
Ivypool was taught a lot in the Dark Forest, and even though she turned against them, she still retains her fighting skills earned there. Lionblaze is a good fighter too, but a lot of that is because of his invincibility — Ivypool is nearly as good, if not better, and she didn’t have any powers to help her!

Best Villain
This goes to the most notorious of the cats.

Runner-Up: Sol

Winner: Tigerstar (the first)
The first villain of warriors, a lot of people remember Tigerstar as strong and ambitious, but he was also extremely clever about the way he went about things, through manipulation and acting. He wins this award not only because he’s a classic, but because he’s a mix of brains and brawn.

Best Redemption Arc (antagonistic characters)
This is for cats who were antagonistic (but do not reside in the Dark Forest), but later redeemed themselves.

Runner-Up: Longtail

Winner: Breezepelt
Breezepelt was bitter and snide in the first two arcs that he appeared in. However, we see a lot of growth and change as he starts to repair his relationship with his family, even starting his own. Regardless of whether you like him, or if you’re still suspicious of him, he has come a long way.

Best Redemption Arc (Dark Forest)
Like the one above, but for confirmed villains (cats who went to the Dark Forest after death) who righted their wrongs.

Runner-Up: Snowtuft

Winner: Juniperclaw
This was a tough one to choose between, but ultimately I chose Juniperclaw because we know more about his backstory and what he did that got him sent to the Dark Forest (but we all agree he belongs in StarClan). He died to save a kit and queen, insisting when he realized that Violetshine was expecting that she got to safety. He also helped the cats venturing the Dark Forest defeat the Imposter, and volunteered to become a guard for the tunnel, even if it meant being painstakingly close to StarClan.

Most Helpful
This award goes to those wonderful helpers around camp!

Runner-Ups: Dustpelt and Brackenfur (these guys are a team, so I had to include both!)

Winner: Briarlight
Briarlight is always helping to sort herbs, talk to elders, and play with kits. Not only that, but she offers great encouragement and the absence of her cheerful presence was painfully felt after her death. Briarlight is an amazing character — I’m so glad she got an award!

Most Selfless
This is for cats who always think of others first — so much so that they’re even willing to sacrifice their lives for them.

Runner-Up: Cinderpelt

Winner: Bristlefrost
Bristlefrost sacrificed not only her life, but her entire existence when she defeated Ashfur. And the crazy thing is, she wasn’t even thinking big-picture like saving the Clans! She was thinking of Shadowsight, and how she had to save him — showing how much even a single life matters to her. If that’s not selflessness, I don’t know what is.

Most Supportive Friend
This is for that amazing friend that’s always by the protagonist’s side.

Runner-Up: Graystripe

Winner: Sunfish!
That caught you off guard, huh? Graystripe is a dedicated, loyal friend, but Sunfish really stood out to me. She didn’t just follow Leopardstar’s lead — she challenged her in a really encouraging way! Like when she helped Leopardstar face her fear of water. In fact, she trusted her friend so much, that she asked her to raise her son for her when she died. I think it’s one of the deepest and most underrated friendships in Warriors!

Most Resilient
This is for cats who — no matter how much adversity they face — are able to push through.

Runner-Up: Graystripe

Winner: Gremlin
Surprised you again! Gremlin may not be a major character, but she faced so many challenges and tough decisions. Even with her minor page time, we see what a strong character she was, and we can’t let that go unrecognized.

Most Likely To Swap Clans
This goes to cats who are most likely to switch Clans.

Runner-Up: Nightheart (I haven’t read Thunder yet, but golly, this guy cannot make up his mind)

Winner: Tree!
Let’s face it — Tree has no real loyalty to SkyClan. He would switch in a heartbeat if Violetshine decided to. If it were up to him, their family would either be Clan-swapping all the time or more likely a loner at this point!

Most Likely To Speak Up
These cats aren’t afraid to challenge someone who they believe is doing something wrong.

Runner-Up: Spotfur

Winner: Squirrelflight
Squirrelflight has never been afraid to speak up if she believed it to be right. Unfortunately this can cause some conflict (especially in Squirrelflight’s Hope), but her heart is in the right place. No one can deny her outspokenness!

Most Likely To Speak Their Mind
Not quite the same as the one above, these cats will gloat, complain, and say whatever they want.

Runner-Up: Jayfeather

Winner: Berrynose
This guy has NO filter (Jayfeather can hold his tongue sometimes at least). Berrynose is never afraid to make his opinion heard, and always glad to brag about his greatness. He may be annoying, but I have to admit that he was kind of entertaining and I was a bit sad when he died.

Most Likely To Follow The Code
These cats stick to the code like burrs in a pelt.

Runner-Up: Berryheart

Winner: Hollyleaf
Need I even explain? One of the most well-known things about Hollyleaf is her love for the code and the security it brings her. She definitely got lenient sometimes, but I’ve never seen a character so strictly believe in the code!

Most Likely To Hold A Grudge
These characters have a hard time letting things go…

Runner-Up: Mapleshade (literally haunting ancestors who had nothing to do with what happened to her)

Winner: Ashfur
Whew… This guy… is a mess. Squirrelflight (who wasn’t even dating him, just trying to be friends) rejected him (very nicely), and he started gaslighting, manipulating, and being downright hostile to her. And if that isn’t enough, he tries to murder four cats and then tries to destroy the Clans AND the afterlifes all because his crush didn’t like him back. Ashfur has some major grudge issues.

Most Likely To Become A Meme
An award for the characters who managed to become a meme.

Runner-Up: Dovewing (the eye color memes)

Winner: Jayfeather
From Berrystumpytail, to his Stick, to his downright sarcastic personality, Jayfeather has managed to become a part of many hilarious memes. I think that’s all the elaboration we need.

Strongest Warrior
This award goes to the warriors who are just really strong.

Runner-Up: Hawkwing (I just get the impression that he’s pretty strong)

Winner: Lionblaze
I think this one is pretty self-explanatory. Even without his invincibility, Lionblaze is a large, strong cat. That’s all I have to say about him.

Fastest Warrior
This award goes to the swiftest, speediest of them all.

Runner-Up: Tallstar

Winner: Windstar
Is it any surprise that they’re both WindClan? Windstar was so fast that before she was leader, she renamed herself Wind Runner. She sped across the moore and even chased rabbits straight into their burrows (probably starting the tunneling tradition). When you think of fast, how can the founder of WindClan not come to mind?

Most Memorable Character (side)
This goes to memorable side characters. Even if they only had a few pages, the community has not forgotten them.

Runner-Up: Swiftpaw

Winner: Snowkit
Despite only having about two-pages worth of attention, this kit has managed to become very well-known among the fandom.

Most Controversial Character
Ah yes, the characters that everyone loves or hates, the characters that nobody can seem to agree on. Here are the most controversial characters!

Runner-Up: Dovewing

Winner: Bramblestar
Bramblestar is by far the most heated topic. In one arc he’s not half bad, and then in the next he’s an entirely different character! Alas.

Most Popular Character
And for the finale, I will do three (yes, three) characters that are so popular *most* readers like/love them! Either way, we should know these characters’ names…

Third Place: Firestar

Runner-Up: Mapleshade

Winner: Squirrelflight
Even if you’re not a huge fan of Squirrelflight, there are so many readers who are, and she is consistently the favorite character of many. If you’re one of those fans, what do you like about her? Tell us in the comments!

So there you have it folks, a list of awards for our favorite kitties. Do you agree or disagree with any? Were there any that surprised you? What awards would you give out? (Don’t be shy, I love feedback!)

Thank you for making it all the way to the end of this. Have a happy new year!

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