Stormcloud lists their least favourite characters in the series.
![[a full-body design of Leafstar]](
[a full-body design of Leafstar]
Hello, hello everyone! It is me, Stormcloud here with a new article!
Today I wanted to talk about some of my least favorite Warriors characters and why.
Now, these are all my opinions, and it is totally fine if you like these characters.
I want to start off with Firestar. Alright, so I liked Firepaw, but once he became a warrior, then leader, he just got on my nerves. Why? Many reasons. So first off, he broke the warrior code many times. And you may be thinking: “Well, Stromcloud, he trusted his heart and did what he thought was right” Or something of the sort. Well, maybe he did. But when someone starts tossing out the fact that, say.. Tigerclaw/star was breaking the warrior code as.. Some way to get him banished (Which it worked) that.. Is just not right. I mean.. If you think about it Firestar probably broke the code more than Tigerclaw/star #1. Okay maybe Tigerclaw/star #1 broke worse rules than Firestar, but Firestar’s wrongs eventually add up.
Next reason I dislike Firestar is because he is the reason Thunderclan became so nosy, and started getting into other clans business. Alright, I get it. These are important plot points and whatever, but it doesn’t take away the fact that they are just sort of annoying. The warrior code clearly states that you must take care of your clan before others clans. Basically meaning, worry about your own business more than others. Yeah Firestar completely ignores this rule and just goes on to “fix” everything for all the other clans. I won’t drag this whole lecture on about what Firestar did that was wrong, so I am just going to move onto the next cat.
Next up we have Leafstar. I loved Leafstar when her clan lived in the gorge. The moment she moved in with the other clans, I hated her. She sounded like a spoiled brat most of the time. She would get angry very easily, and she never seemed even the slightest bit happy. She was always annoyed or irritated with someone. I would feel so bad for Twigpaw, yes I know Twigpaw did switch clans a few times, which isn’t exactly right. But she had a ton of stuff happen to her. Her mother died before they could even form memories of her. Her sister was put into another clan than her. She grew up in Thunderclan, until they found Skyclan and she found her father. She moved in with Skyclan because her sister did and her father was there, but.. She grew up in Thunderclan. I mean.. Girl had a lot going on! But Leafstar hardly cared. She was like: “You wanna leave? Sure, fine whatever! Leave and you can never return!” ” (Why did that remind me of the line from The Lion King?) Anyway.. That was a lot. On to the next cat!
Alright. Now for Sandstorm. I cannot stand her. I have honestly never liked her. Beginning to end, she is annoying. When she meets Firepaw she bullies him and what not. But.. when she supposedly “changes” she seems the same to me. She gets mad at Fireheart/star all the time. For small things too! Fireheart was made deputy pretty young, he was stressed because he had to basically hold the whole clan together while his leader was in a depressed state. Did Sandstorm care? Nope. She would stop talking to him because of the decisions he made, like Girl, he is young why don’t you try to help him out instead of judging every decision he makes. Then the whole Spottedleaf thing. She believes that just because Spottedleaf appears in his dreams he must still like her. Sandstorm! It’s not like he asked Spottedleaf to show up in every dream he had. Plus, there wasn’t much proof that he liked Spottedleaf in that way after she died to begin with. So she just throws out accusations at Fireheart/star just because! Last thing I wanna say about Sandstorm is this. Here is a line from Firesar’s Quest.
“I don’t know how you can even think about doing this!”
Sandstorm sprang to her paws before Firestar could reply to the medicine cat.
“What about Thunderclan? What about your friends?” She paused, then added shakily, “What about me?”
This is a little much. At this point she doesn’t even know what Firestar is doing, she assumes (again keyword: assumes) that Firestar wants to move in with his twolegs, this kind of shows the amount of trust she even has in Firestar.
Ok so this is my list of most disliked Warrior cats. I may do a part two, not sure. If you would like to see a part two then put it in the comments! Stormcloud, out!
Wow… strong arguments. I will agree with Sandstorm one but the others I don’t really have an opinion.
I like fire star and sand storm
sandstorm haters unite >:D
cool article
I disagree with all of these, but you have good opinions🙂
Great article!! I agree with all but Leafstar
Yes great article but Leafstar is a good character so all but Leafstar👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
Great article, but I disagree with most of this. Firestar broke the code only when it was undeniably the right thing to do. Rules should be broken when there is a good reason to, and that is what Firestar did. Firestar did nothing wrong in breaking the code when he had to.
I don’t think ‘Tigerclaw broke the warrior code’ is a good argument for why he was evil (I prefer ‘Tigerclaw murdered innocent cats to get power’) because breaking the code can be a good thing, like for Firestar. But for Tigerclaw, he broke the code when shouldn’t have, unlike Firestar.
Firestar only got in other Clans business when he had to, to know if they were safe, to help them, or other stuff. I don’t like that Firestar is a flawless Gary Stu who was literally described as ‘the best cat in the forest’ in Bramblestar’s Storm, but that is how the books and all reasoning show him.
Again, breaking the code isn’t necessarily a bad thing, and every single time Firestar broke it, it was for the best. He literally does exactly what ChatGPT would do if presented with a problem: do the absolute best possible thing without flaw.
I kinda see where you are coming from with Leafstar. She was kinda rude and inconsiderate to Twigbranch in aVoS. I still like her personally though.
Sandstorm did change, but she was always a bit sharp-tongued. That doesn’t mean she still harbored resentment or any other negative emotions for Firestar. She was a good mate and almost always supported Firestar. And I still am not quite sure why that scene in Firestar’s Quest existed, where Graystripe, Sandstorm, Cloudtail, and Cinderpelt all questioned if Firestar was going to become a kittypet, because it kinda goes against their development. But I think that that scene was just them being concerned and over-worried for Firestar, not distrust.
Great article! I disagree with all but sandstorm. Firestar is only trying to help the other clans, and leafstsr is a good leader imo
I agree with FireStar and LeafStar, but I only agree with SandStorm a little.
FireStar just butts into everybody’s business, and then since he’s ‘oh so lengendary,’ BrambleStar started copying him. Like, oh, ShadowClan’s having trouble with badgers? Eh, my sister’s ShadowClan, so even if my clan disagrees, lets help them even though they won’t appreciate that we’ve helped them!
And I agree: LeafStar was great in the gorge, but then… She’s pretty dismissive of TwigPaw, and ShadowClan, like, “Oh you want to leave? YOU UNGRATEFUL BRATS, DON’T EVER COME TO SKYCLAN FOR HELP EVER AGAIN!!”
And then she’s all, “VioletPaw, are you going too?” then she’s like, “Oh, ok then.” Like, no Yay, no thanks, no nothin.
I agree with SandStorm when she was a apprentice, but I’m a assumer myself, so-
I am still on the part of Firestar’s Quest where he didn’t meet Leafstar yet but I have read the first two books of SkyClan and the Stranger so I don’t really have an opinion on her yet
Oooh I enjoyed Firestar quest! How are you finding it?
Good article, but i gotta say that firestar is my fav cat in the books lol. Still enjoyed reading tho, and very strong arguments!!!
Finally someone else who hates Firestar and Sandstorm! I do love Leafstar, but for most, I agree with you!
I like sandstorm.