Calendar Repost: March!

Some of you may have noticed (or maybe no one has 😛 ) that no post has yet appeared for the March calendar repost. Well if you did or didn’t notice, either way, here is a post!

As per usual, the calendars have been wiped! The first two weeks of March for birthdays have been left intact, but otherwise if you want to be put back on the birthday calendar so that Moon and Viper know to make a post for you, then you will need to resubmit. You will also need to resubmit your clanniversary to Lil.

If you have sent in a birthday calendar form since the first of March, I put you on the new calendar because perhaps some of those were for the repost month. Not sure, but either way, you’re on the birthday calendar if you submitted your form since March 1. 🙂

Don’t think there’s anything else I need to cover so have a nice day everyone! For me at least, it is nice and sunny with a blue sky. I can see my cat Honey surveying the garden by the back door!

🩵🦅 Eagleflight (Aquila)🍃🎶

It's a beautiful day and I can't stop myself from smiling!