CloudPaw shares what the world of Warriors would look like with some realistic facts.
![[Leafpool looks down at a trail of stars with the Warriors logo above her]](
[Leafpool looks down at a trail of stars with the Warriors logo above her]
Heya! so- um- recently, I decided to do some research- and what I found out was kind of shocking (not really). I’m not going to reveal that yet, but- Warriors isn’t exactly the most reliant on facts so yeah. I’m basically just going to go over a little something, and if we were to put this in warriors, what would change.
So, would you like to know what that shocking thing was (not really)? cats can’t see the colors red and orange. Oh, and ginger is basically orange btw. (The definition of ginger is literally just natural orange hair/fur). Yeah, according to “The Wildest”, “Cats primarily see muted shades of blue-violet and yellow-green but are unable to perceive red, orange, and brown.” Well- at least they’re more capable of seeing than that of dogs? Anyways, that poses some troubles. So, let’s start, shall we?
1# The Fire Prophecy – yeah, it’s pretty iconic, and as simple as, “Fire will save this clan.” Yet, um- do you see the problem? RuStY, or FirePaw, or FireHeart, or FireStar, is a ginger cat. Ginger is orange, cats can’t see orange. Which means, BlueStar and the rest of the clans couldn’t have possibly have seen that he was orange! To them, according to science, he looked more yellow! So yeah.
2# Squilf, Sparky, and all the rest of the orangies – they’re all also yellow. the end.
3# TigerSAW – If the above information is correct, then TigerClaw/Star shouldn’t be brown to the clan cats, including all the other brown cats, like that of BrambleStar, HawkFrost, BrokenTail/Star, CinnamonTail, TigerHeart/Star, BrownPaw, CloverSplash, LightningPelt, Speckle, MouseFur, and so on. They would all be – I actually don’t know, but they would be some color.
4# PLANTREES – If cats can’t see brown, then- wait, does that mean they can’t see trees?! like, are they all “ah, look! some floating green things! perfectly normal!”, or what? so, anyways.
5# Hooman – in the book, us humans, or Twolegs, are described as pink. Except one problem: red + white = pink, cats can’t see red. Which means, we are sort of more yellowish-orangish to cats. yeah.
So yeah. this was probably my shortest article EVER. good day/night, goodbye from Cloudy!
Wow this is interesting! Great article!
This was funny 😛 great article! Oh and wait who’s Cloversplash?
an ancient WindClan warrior—but I think she’s black-pelted if I remember the wiki right lol
She’s dark brown! ^^
What is it with me and forgetting the articles I write ;-;
Yeah, I did research, but what pulled up all the time was stuff about ‘can cats see their reflection’ or something. I got an answer for the orange cats tho, so all not lost.
I was just thinking about this as I watched my cat chase the red dot from the laser pointer. If cats can’t see red (and I’ve read this before) what is he seeing?
… You got a point WhiteWhiskers… what are the cats seeing when they chase the laser? White? Blue? Purple? Black? What color do they see the laser as??? I’m curious now… Someone tell me!!!!
Until we have a cat–human brain interface, we can never know how things look to a cat. But the light from a red laser is a very pure red (~650nm wavelength). If they can’t see in the red part of the spectrum, how do they see it all?
Wow, just wow 😮
What about the fact that cats can see in the dark, yet Hollypaw and the others couldn’t see in the dark when they were in the tunnel (this is in Omen of Three by the way)?