[various cats with literal designs/interpretations of their name]

Google Translating Random Background Characters From Warriors by Olivenose

Olivenose puts various characters’ names through Google Translate.

[various cats with literal designs/interpretations of their name]
Art by Br33z3w1ng
[various cats with literal designs/interpretations of their name]

Warriors but google translated >:3

Hallo guys! Its me, Olivenose!

Today I’ll be putting random background characters from ThunderClan and ShadowClan through Google Translate (the languages I used were English and Latin). I will be rating how funny the translation was from 1-5/5.

Before we get started, I should mention that I didn’t do some well-known background cats like Brightheart or main characters like Fireheart/star because A) I didn’t think it would be fun enough or unique enough for this article and B) The translations were too close to the original names.

On another note, when I translated, sometimes I couldn’t use “Tigerclaw”, for example, as a word itself because there was no translation for it. When this happed, I had to split the name into prefix and suffix, for example “Tiger claw”. Sometimes it did work with the full name, but the majority were split.

Now, lets begin!

ThunderClan Cats:

Viper’s tooth (Adderfang) 1/5. Really similar to Adderfang.

brush frost (Bristlefrost) 3/5! Funny. I guess Bristlefrost is a hairstylist now.

Bumble nail (Bumblestripe) 3/5! He totally deserves this name >:(.

Of novelties (Fallowsong) 4/5. Its just a totally random name! What does “new” have to do with “fallow” or “song”?

Dim light (Finchlight) 4/5. This is just so hilarious!

Flip the claws (Flipclaw) 2/5… just a slightly altered translation.


Asclepias (Milkweed) 2/5. This is just a glitch in Google Translate.

Myrtle in flower (Myrtlebloom) 2/5. Not too funny.

The dawn appeared (Poppydawn) 3.5/5. Funny enough to score a lil’ higher.

Rubs your face (Prickleface) 5/5!!! I get such a funny mental image from this!

Thick tail (Rooktail) 2/5. Just a bad translation.

Snapping a tooth (Snaptooth) 2/5. Same as Flipclaw.

Gilded nail (Sorrelstripe) 5/5!!! WHAT HAPPENED TO SORRELSTRIPE NOOOO

Sweet paliurus (Sweetbriar) 2/5. No sense in a non-funny way.

Thrifty ear Thriftear) 5/5!!! I imagine Thriftear going into a thrift store!

Branch (Twigbranch) 1/5. SO BORING

ShadowClan Cats:

Honey tooth (Badgerfang) 3.5/5. Its more because I really like Badgerfang buut

Clear whisker (Brightwhisker) 2/5. Kinda boring.

Add the pistachios (Newtspeck) 1,000,000/5!!!!!!! Imagine a cat as a pistachio being poured in a bowl! IMAGINE SHADOWCLAN AS PISTACHIOS

Linen foot (Flaxfoot) 3.5/5. I can imagine a cat as a linen shirt!

the fringe of the whisker (Fringewhisker) 4/5. I mean, it just an alternate translation, but Fringewhisker sounds so fancy! “Le fringe of le whisker”

Face with claws (Clawface) 1/5. Boooorrriiiiing.

Early morning (Dawncloud) 2/5. Interesting

Whisker leaves (Frondwhisker) 4.5/5 Oh boy. A cat with leaves as whiskers. Hope they aren’t poison ivy!

To lie down (Gullswoop) 4/5! I think of a cat lazing around when i see this!

Hollowed out (Hollowspring) 1/5. bOrInG

Guess the whisker (Hopwhisker) I can imagine this as some kind of Warriors game show!

A spot of fur (Kinkfur) 2.5/5. Interesting.

The bruise of the laceration (Lizardstripe) 5/5! I honestly don’t know what happened to Google Translate!!!!

A worm’s tail (Maggottail) 3.5/5. Describes his character beautifully.

Mauve nose (Mallownose) 2/5. No sense.

Sip berries (Rowanberry) 5/5! *LE GASP* Is Rowanberry a sippy cup now?!

To fit the nails (Spireclaw) 5/5! WHY POOR SPIRECLAW

This was so fun to make! (And a lot of work too LOL) Let me know in the comments what were your favorite/least favorite translations!!


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