Helper Applications: Closed!

Applications for the first round of Calendar Helpers are now closed!

Thank you to everyone who applied! It was so uplifting to see so many people interested in the comments of the application post and to see so many wanting to give back to the blog!

We received many great applications and it was really difficult to choose between them. Even though we’re only choosing six people today, a lot of applications were really close runner-ups!

Please try not to feel discouraged if you aren’t chosen for this round – not being chosen doesn’t mean that your application was bad, nor does it mean that you can’t help the blog in other ways! We’d love to see you reapply in the future when applications open again sometime near October, and there’ll always be time for you to be the best BlogClanner you can be ❤️

Additionally, we’ll be contacting one or more applicants to see if they’re still interested in being a Calendar Helper if a current Helper has to step down before or during their cycle, and the replacement would take over for the remaining portion of the cycle. Obviously, we wish the smoothest and most stress-free timeline for our Helpers, but life has a habit of messing up plans 😛

Our chosen applicants will receive an email from me (Emberdawn) within the next 24 hours with instructions on what to do next. After that, sit tight for the announcement post and get hyped for May because both birthday and clanniversary posts will be making their full comebacks!

Sending love from all around the world,

Embers of a Winter Dawn (Emberdawn)

Writer, photographer, moderator


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