Swiftiepaw and Amberpaw discuss Firestar.
So, Firestar can be a bit of a… controversial character. Of course, we have plenty of people stanning him, worshipping him, some going as far as to claim he should be immortal. (Not joking, my friend believes he’s hiding in no-Clan territory, and that he didn’t actually die.) Personally, I’m not a fan of Firestar, and I’m ready to back up my belief to my dying breath(!). Amberpaw, what do you think?
I personally don’t like Firestar. I mean, he was a good character in the first arc, but when he became a leader, he didn’t seem as relatable as he was as an apprentice and warrior. He’s overrated. So overrated as a leader, and sure, he’s nice and all, but he doesn’t really have a personality in the arcs up until his death. And even in the arcs after his death. He’s always looked up to, even in the Clans that he didn’t lead. All because of what? What did he do that made him so popular, besides being the main character in TPB?
That is really true, Amberpaw, I resonate with that. One of the things that always frustrated me about Firestar was how quickly he became a warrior. In other arcs where the main character starts out as an apprentice, they usually spend some time as an apprentice. It feels like a letdown now that I see Firestar becoming a warrior so quickly while characters like Dovewing, Ivypool, Twigbranch, and Violetshine progressed more slowly, showing more personality that isn’t affected by the responsibilities of being a warrior.
Firestar became a warrior at the end of Into the Wild. There seemed to be a time skip, but why didn’t Sandstorm and Dustpelt become warriors before Graystripe and Firestar? Firestar seemed wise, yes, but what intention made Bluestar make him a warrior? I’m not very mad about that, I just don’t understand why Firestar seemed to be all mature and such when he was an apprentice. He literally fed RiverClan with Graystripe (who became a warrior with him), and he also fed Yellowfang and himself! He broke the warrior code as an apprentice, yet was looked up to! He was let into StarClan without question, but he really didn’t do much except be the ‘good’ character who defeated the bad guys.
I feel you, Amberpaw. Okay, now I’m going to wade into a bit of a touchy subject: Fire x Spotted. There are so many things wrong with this. Spottedleaf—
Swiftiepaw, don’t even mention that ship. I am never going to like that. It doesn’t even make sense. Spottedleaf never showed any romantic interest in Firestar. I can’t even imagine what would have happened if Spottedleaf hadn’t been killed by Clawface.
Like I said, touchy subject. I would like to argue that Spottedleaf hinted at being slightly romantically interested in Firestar. Regardless, Spottedflower was SO MUCH OLDER than Firestar. It just seemed so unhealthy. When I read the books as Swiftiekit-aged I remember physically gagging, because even at that tender age I knew how messed up it was.
Okay, new subject. He is sort of selfish as a warrior. He had Cinderpelt as an apprentice, then she got hurt. He got Cloudtail after that, and he became a warrior. But then, once Cloudtail was a warrior, he wanted another apprentice. He said, and he really did say this, “I don’t have an apprentice, now that Cloudtail is a warrior.” Because he was talking to Graystripe about Bramblekit and Tawnykit. Sure, he was deputy, but he should’ve given other cats a chance to mentor. He gave Brackenfur multiple apprentices as a deputy and leader, but his own deputy, Brambleclaw, was only given Berrynose. Why?? Brambleclaw was capable of getting another apprentice and had every right to ask, but Firestar just kept giving them to Brackenfur and his own kin. Firestar had silly reasons for not giving other cats apprentices. Also, didn’t he say that Brightheart would get another apprentice because Jaypaw was going to become a medicine cat? She never got another one (as of A Starless Clan). Hollypaw could have been Brightheart’s apprentice, but she was given to, guess who? Brackenfur. FIRESTAR IS SELFISH AND YOU CAN’T TELL ME OTHERWISE.
Wow, Amberpaw. I am… scared. You definitely feel very passionate about Firestar. I’m not really sure what to say, which I think brings our article to a close. Thanks so much, everyone who read this, and put in the comment part below if you have indignant responses, we do enjoy reading them. Swiftiepaw out!
Amberpaw out. >;3
I have mixed opinions about this.
The reason Firestar was made a warrior so early is because he had a strong sense of doing the right thing, which Bluestar valued in a cat. She punished Firestar every time he broke the warrior code, but I think she still admired how he put doing the right thing over rules.
Also Firestar did have a personality his whole life. He was a polite, reasonable cat who had a strong sense of doing the right thing. And I do agree that he’s overrated in the warrior cats world; he is looked at like a god in retrospect after he died.
Firestar was let into StarClan without question because there was nothing to question. Cats like Onestar, who had good arguments of going to either StarClan or the Dark Forest, were questioned before their afterlife was decided. Firestar extremely rarely did anything wrong and did so many good things that they are insignificant.
I agree that Spottedleaf never really showed romantic interest in Firestar until after she died; I would recommend watching Spottedleaf’s feelings are probably a retcon by Moonkitti for more information on that.
I see what you are saying about Firestar being selfish, but I think he wanted to mentor Brambleclaw not because he was selfish, but because he wanted to monitor Brambleclaw due to the potential influence Tigerstar had on him, and thought that he was the best cat to do that. And can you blame Firestar for giving so many apprentices to Brackenfur? Brackenfur was written without flaws and was good at everything, so on paper he was the best mentor to new apprentices. I don’t even blame Firestar for not giving Brightheart Foxleap or Icecloud as an apprentice; I blame the authors for forgetting about Firestar’s words. And I don’t think Firestar intended to not give Brambleclaw an apprentice; I just think there were other cats he considered first and intended to give him one eventually, but forgot.
tbh, I watched ‘ Spottedleaf’s feelings are probably a retcon AFTER making this with Amethystpaw 😛
Also, I just have a biased opinion on Firestar, since Brightheart is one of my favorite characters.
thats like a whole article its self
You guys have good points in this. I like Fire star until he becomes leader and I think fire paw was made a warrior so quick because Into the Wild was supposed to be the only Warriors book but it was stupid he became a warrior before Sandstorm and Dustpelt
Great article!!!!!! Love it! Firestar is definitely overrated
Great article!
i like the article and the points are good, but…
i have the audalble of the fisrt series and no other warrior books. So I have listened to the series over 50 times!
So Fire star is my favorite character, and I know thats very original but i’ve connected with him by listening ot the books about him over and over again, so.
But good artcle non the less.
Y IS HE SO IMPORTAINT?! I ask this question all the time. I bet he’s starclans favorite! what about some SC cats for a change?! or RC OR WC?! BUT NOOOO IT HAS TO BE FIRESTAR AND TC!!!!!!!! AMBERPAW IS RIGHT!!!!!!!! AMBERPAW! AMBERPAW!
Firestar is overrated.
He is!
Cool article, it’s always fun to see two sides of the fan’s views! Firestar is a bit overrated but he was just the very first major character of the series so I think that the Erins did a good job on him. As for FireXspotted I personally don’t ship it but the Erins never thought that the series would go on so they tried to do the best they could when it came to love! Nice work anyway😁
Great article!!! I don’t think he’s overrated, I just can’t relate to him as much as I do with other charactors
I disagree, but great article! You have good arguments and though I don’t agree with everything Firestar says, he is still a great cat and tries to do the right ting at heart!