A calico cat sits among balloons and falling confetti paper and licks its nose

Announcing Our Calendar Helpers!

You’ve waited for long enough, and so have we! It’s time to announce who will be celebrating your milestones alongside you for the next six months!

Nettlespring (Jeri), Scorchpaw/light (Wynn), and Riverspirit (Riv) will be bringing you birthday wishes!

Flamecloud (Flam), Dusklight (Dusky), and Silverdusk (Silv) will be spotlighting you on your clanniversary!

They’ll be writing the birthday and clanniversary posts from now (May) until the end of October! Flam and Jeri will kick off the posts for the first half of May, so keep an eye out of their posts in the coming days!

Please note: You still have to submit your birthday or clanniversary date at least 2 weeks before the actual date. If it’s submitted less than 14 days before the date, then you won’t be getting a post. Please also keep in mind that calendar reposts are still in effect until further notice, so if your birthday or clanniversary is still a couple months out, submit it closer to the date 🙂 This’ll keep the stress off of both you and our Calendar Helpers!

A calico cat sits among balloons and falling confetti paper and licks its nose
“Is there confetti on my nose??? Hold on, let me take it off before you take the picture!”

If you’re still interested in being a Birthday or Clanniversary Helper, we’ll be opening applications for any free slots on October 1st, 2024! A post will go up with the details on that day, so stay tuned and mark your calendars! We hope to see your name there!

Once again, congratulations to the first-ever Calendar Helpers! We’re so glad to have you on board 😀

Embers of a Winter Dawn (Emberdawn)

Writer, photographer, moderator