Late April Birthday Round-up!

Looks like itā€™s ā€œLate Aprilā€ in two senses of the word ā€“ sorry about that! /lh Seeing as youā€™re all members of the Belated Birthday Club, I thought Iā€™d make you a joint post so we donā€™t miss anyone. Starting withā€¦

Mountainstorm! Whose birthday was on the 23rd. Happy late birthday, Mounty! How did it go? Did you get anything nice? Hereā€™s an extra cake for you (not quite as big as a mountain but still rather large):

A three-tiered cake sitting on a log. The top and bottom tiers are decorated to look like mountain scenery, while the middle tier resembles pale tree bark. It's decorated with a few pink and white flowers.
(image credit:

Next, we have Leopardpaw, whose birthday was the day after Mountyā€™s on the 24th! Happy birthday, Leopardpaw! What did you do to celebrate? You ought to get your own cake too, naturally, so here you go:

A two-tiered cake with a leopard-print pattern and swirly chocolate shavings on top

On Sunday the 28th, it was Spiritflightā€™s birthday! Happy birthday, Spiri! šŸŽ‰ I hope you had a lovely day. Hereā€™s an especially flowery cake for you:

A round, white cake decorated with pressed flowers and edible paper bees.
(image credit:

And here are a few gifts! This was sent in by Fernpaw/mist:

“Happy Birthday to my best friend Spiri, 

Always so fun, cheerful, and nice, 

Wishing you a day filled with joy and laughter, 

May all your dreams come true on this special day!”

A drawing of a white cat with a striped party hat sitting in a blue and yellow box. Beside it are the words, "Happy Birthday Spiritflight!"

And this oneā€™s from Emberpaw/shine =D

“Happy birthday Spiri! Youā€™re a bright light in a dark world, and so funny, positive, cheerful, and passionate. Iā€™m so lucky to be your friend, and I hope you like this little gift :)) Happy birthday!”

A drawing of a white cat with blue eyes against a marbled blue background. The cat wears a pale pink party hat that reads "Happy Birthday Spiritflight", as well as a sprig of flowers behind her left ear.
Drawing by Embershine!

And this one’s from Koipaw/leaf!

“Spiriā€™s awesome,
Interesting and a
Radient beam of light.
I cannot describe how
Totally amazing she is. Sheā€™s a
Flame, bright and fueled by
Love (platonic, of course). An
Inspiration to BlogClanners of all ages,
Goodwilled and very special. She
Has been a VIB (Very Important Bestie) to me since I met her.
To Spiritflight, I send you lots of luck and happiness.

Happy birthday,
~ Koiseys <3 (P.S. I will steal your cookies >:)) /j /j /j)”

Drawing by Koileaf!

And finally, on April 30th, there were a grand total of three birthdays! Sleepychaos, Bloodynight, and Riverspirit! Wishing all of you a very happy birthday (despite being a few days, er, behind schedule)!

Iā€™ve fetched you a variety of cupcakes, considering there’s a whole band of you! /lhj

Several vanilla cupcakes decorated with cream and diced strawberries.

And in the gift department, Creamypaw sent in a poem for Bloodynight!

“Beautiful inside and outside!

Lovely and amazing!

On top of the worlddddd >:D

Obvious that you are AWESOME šŸ˜€

Dazzling smile, that makes everybody happy!

You are the best person I know

Never negative (i think :p/j)

I am proud to be you apprentice

Gentle person, and loving

Helpful and cool

Truly šŸ’… slayyyyyy šŸ’…”

Well, I believe that covers everyone! I’m sorry you didn’t all get your own posts — we’ll make it happen for you next year B) Wishing another very Happy Birthday to everyone here! šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰

šŸŒ˜ Nettlespring šŸŽ»

(Don't let the moon change your mind! šŸŒ™)