You may have noticed, but it’s not Jeri writing this post! What?! Why? Well, today for one post, I’m taking over their duty so we can all wish them a very happy birthday!!
Hi Jeri!
All of BlogClan hopes that your day today is absolutely wonderful! 😀
Do you have any birthday plans? Is there something you’re particularly looking forward to doing? Are you going to have a birthday cake? If so, what flavour is it? 🍰🥳
If you’d like, you can tell us all about your birthday in the comments below! (But if you don’t want to then that’s fine too!) 🎈

Apparently nettle cakes, as in stinging nettle cakes, are actually something that exists! 😛
This one is nettle and lemon, but seeing as I probably wouldn’t want to try it myself, I’ll put you down an alternative cake below…

Hopefully these oreo cupcakes look a little nicer! There’s even quite a few so you can share them out with all of your BlogClan friends! 😀
And here I have a gift for you which has been sent in by Darkpaw/iris:
“Hiya Jericho! Happy birthday 🎉 I hope you have the best day ever and get lots of gifts 😀 “

image description: a brown cat with yellow eyes dressed as a detective
Well that’s all from me for today! I hope you’ll all agree that we wish Jeri a very happy birthday, and are super happy to have them on the Blog with us! 🙂
P.S. Thank you to Silv from who I realised it was possible to make gradient backgrounds from seeing one of her (pre-scheduled) posts. I can’t believe I never knew this was a feature which existed!!
Happy bday Jeri! Have an awesome day
Also Kiri your art is so cute!
Well, I knew NOTHING I could draw could ever make up to your level of art…but I tried 😉