[a full-body design of Leafpool]

🍂 Defending Leafpool 🍂 by Stormleap

Stormleap defends Leafpool’s character.

[a full-body design of Leafpool]
Artwork by Dawnheart101
[a full-body design of Leafpool]

*WARNING: Do not read this if you’re not past AVoS! There are spoilers for TNP, PoT, OotS, DotC, TBC, Moth Flight’s Vision, and Squirrelflight’s Hope.*

Hello! This is Stormleap. This is my first article, where I’m defending my favorite character, Leafpool!

Leafpool always had a strong connection with her sister, Squirrelflight. A lot of the fandom tends to favor Squirrelflight over Leafpool, so I don’t get why all of the Leafpool haters call her overrated(Squirrelflight is a good character ofc 🙃).

If people hate her, they might because she ran away. But you can blame Spottedleaf for part of that! She told Leafpool to “follow her heart,” and then told her she made a bad decision when she listened to her! Plus, Leafpool came back after she heard of the badgers, she didn’t put love before her Clan, even though it caused hate for her from Crowfeather.

People also think she’s a Mary Sue. I disagree because a Mary Sue is a flawless character with no personality problems at all. While Leafpool is my favorite character, she definitely isn’t flawless! People hate her because she’s apparently a “secretive Mary Sue,” but if she’s secretive then she’s not a Mary Sue!

I don’t think Leafpool deserves the fandom hate because she already has hate from the Clans. Until Hollyleaf got to know her in StarClan, she despised her mom because of her half-Clan status. She even tried to feed Leafpool deathberries! And Lionblaze and Jayfeather didn’t truly appreciate her until it was too late, she was up in StarClan(I cried 😥). Crowfeather resented her for over 3 arcs and rejected the fact that two of the Three(and Hollyleaf ofc) were his kits. Even her Clan rejected here, making her a warrior when she was clearly supposed to be a medicine cat! And even when she DIED, StarClan thought about putting her in the Dark Forest! She did so much good in her life, and StarClan seriously considered that, just because she had kits! And the main judge was Moth Flight! MOTH FLIGHT! Just because she was the first medicine cat doesn’t mean she was the only one allowed to have kits. The trial was very unfair because a lot of cats going against Leafpool like Bluestar broke the code, and cats like Tallstar who were defending her didn’t break the code in their life.

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