Happy Clanniversary, Eggsnake!

Today is the clanniversary of our amazing medicine cat, Eggsnake! Ethan joined the blog back in 2021, three years ago to this day! Woohoo! What an amazing achievement. Let’s start this party off with some cake!
Aquamarine cake with chemistry symbols and beakers on top

(I thought the colours were very fun, and of course it’s chemistry themed! Although I’m sure that all of the dessert is safe to eat 😉)

Ethan, you have incredible art! I’ve really enjoyed reading about your lore posts on the art page, and your amazing style and character designs. You’re a really creative and insightful member, and I always enjoy reading your detailed comments. 

As a gift for today, I have made a poem!


Some other wonderful things that we can celebrate today:

Endangered species day (Make sure to take care of the environment!)
National pack rat day (These are such cute little guys!)
National pizza party day (You can never go wrong here!)

Do you have any plans for your clanniversary, Ethan? Any special memories you’d like to share? I hope you have an amazing day today!
