Happy Clanniversary, Robo!

Today is a very special day for one amazing BlogClanner… Drumroll please….

A brown cat stands above a set of bright blue drums

It’s the one and only Robo’s Clanniversary!!! Today we’re celebrating the two amazing years that our friend (and chaos accomplice) has been spreading cheer, pawsitivity and fun on BlogClan!!!

A golden tabby cat stares up into the distance, with a party hat on their head

Let’s start this party off with some cake! I knew I wanted to find something that was both tasty and epic looking to celebrate this great day! I found one with some very cute little robins that I hope you enjoy, Robo!

A white-iced cake with two robins on top, and one sitting at the bottom

Other epic things to be happy about today!

Pick strawberries day (Yummy!!)
Rescue dog dayย 



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