Happy Birthday, Cookieblossom!

It’s Cookieblossom’s birthday today!

Happy birthday, Cookieblossom! We are very joyous to celebrate your beloved birthday here on blogclan, and we all wish you a great birthday 😀

What are you planning to do today? Is there any fun events that you’re looking forward to? If you’re getting a gift, what kind of gifts do you want to get? Feel free to share your experience in the comments!

Here’s a delicious-looking slice of chocolate chip cookie cake that I found for you:

a slice of cake with chocolate chips inside and white frosting with chocolate chip cookies on top. source: pinterest

Here’s a message and a cake sent by Rosefern:

Heyy Cookieblossom! Happy birthday! I don’t really know you but your name is amazing! I hope you have a great birthday, and enjoy this sweet treat I found for you!!

a slice of chocolate chip cookie pie with chocolate frosting on a small plate. source: Sally’s Cooking Addition

We hope you have a great birthday, Cookieblossom!! 🎉🎂🥳

🌊🌺🦜 Scorchpaw/light 🌻✈️ We'll all be gone for the summer, we're on surfari to stay 🎶🦋 Running for Senior Warrior 🏖🌿🐬


  • 🐾🐺Ravage_wolf🐺🐾 (Wolfheart24 on WC.com) 🐾🪴plants+tea+writing=life🪴🐾 🐺writing wolf and fox novels! 🦊 says:

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Lol your name is the best I came across since I joined— XD