Happy Birthday, Flamepaw/spirit!

It’s Flamepaw/spirit’s birthday today!!

Happy birthday, Flamilton! The blog wishes you a wonderful, joyous day, and we are very glad to celebrate your birthday with you 🥳

Do you have any plans for today that you’re looking forward to? Are you going out with your friends or family for a birthday party? If you’re getting a birthday cake, what flavor do you want it to be? We would love to hear it in the comments section (if you’d like to share, of course)!

To celebrate this momentous day, I’ve found a purr-fect cake for you:

Golden cake with black silouettes of characters from Hamilton and gold and black stars

It’s a Hamilton-themed cake, featuring Alexander Hamilton and the Schuyler sisters! I think it looks beautiful, with the gold and black colors contrasting each other well; hope you like it <3

Here is a spectacular message and an acrostic poem sent by Rosefern:

Happy birthday Flamilton! You were one of my first friends on the Blog, meeting me on my first day and continuing to be there for me, being funny and kind and a great leader of the App Army and being so chatty and you are just amazing! Here’s an acrostic poem 4 ya:
Flamazing 😉
Spirited 😉
Happy 13th birthday Flam, may the year to come be your best yet!🎉🎂

Here’s a stunning drawing sent by Squirtblaze:

“For the magictastical-backflipping Flamilton!”

drawing of a ginger cat with blue eyes and wings in a dark brown coat and a white top hat in light purple background

Here’s a beautiful message and a hamilton-themed picture sent by Goldenpaw/flight:

Hi Flam! I’ve never actually talked to you but I always see you and your comments around the blog. You seem like a really cool person and fellow Hamilton fan! I just wanted to wish you a happy birthday.

a silouetted star with one of the points replaced by a cat, which is holding a ball of fire. In the star says ‘HAMILTON’ and ‘Flamespirit style’ in a smaller text in white. Original image: starry-the-cat on deviantart

Here’s a message and a spectacular drawing sent by Riverspirit:

Love ya Flam! Hope that this gift expresses your love for Hamilton well!<33333! Love: Riv ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Drawing of a winking cat with various hamilton quotes written beside it, all in brown lineart and beige background

And lastly, here’s a delightful message and an image sent by Lightningstrike:

Hello Flamilton!! Our great tyrant is one year older!! I made this gift for you to celebrate >:D, I, the hamilsquad, the triple H’s and apprentice army wish you many more years of conquering together! I mean, look back at what you’ve created on the blog! You revived the Apprentice Army page with your awesomeness AND you created the hamilsquad ALONG WITH the triple H’s! You should feel proud of what you’ve done on the blog, and there’s still many years to come!

-Lightningpaw, your medicine cat and loyal hamilsquad member 🙂

The logo of Hamilton replaced by a silouette of a cat with the word ‘FLAMILTON’ and “THE American birthday tyrant’ written inside the star with ‘HAPPY BIRTHDAY!’ written above the star

We all wish you an amazing birthday, Flam!! 🍰🎁🎉

🌊🌺🦜 Scorchpaw/light 🌻✈️ We'll all be gone for the summer, we're on surfari to stay 🎶🦋 Running for Senior Warrior 🏖🌿🐬


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