Today is Flickerflame’s Clanniversary!

Sprinkle the confetti and hang the banners – Flickerflame’s 1st Clanniversary is today! He joined the Blog 2nd of June, 2023! Flicks, you are such a kind and friendly person, who is always out there supporting others. Whether you’re checking in with how everyone is doing on the tavern or complimenting others on the art page, you’re absolutely teeming with positivity. We deeply appreciate your contributions to the Blog and the simple joy your presence brings!!

Here’s a few questions for you to answer, if you feel comfortable to! C:
- What’s your favourite BlogClan page?
- Who are 5 BlogClanners you’re grateful for?
- Favourite BlogClan memory?

Happy Clanniversary, Flicko!
Happy Clanniversary Flickerflame!!
Happy clanniversary!
Happy Clanniversary!!
Happy claniversary!!1
Happy Clanniversary Flickerflame
Happy Clanniversary, Flicko!! <3
Happy clanniversary!
Thanks y’all, and sorry for the late reply <3
To answer the questions:
1. Probs the Feeling Creative pages! I love seeing everyone's creativity and talents on them, but it's also a tie with the Need Company pages 😛
2. I'd say the dodos, but there are too many so I'll only count them as 1 person 😛
1 – The moddos, for keeping the place so safe and everything else
2 – Sil, (yes my sister :p) for introducing me to Warriors
3, 4 and 5 – To all the bloggers that I've chatted or gotten to know before <333
3. I loved talking to everyone on the Tavern and checking in on how everyone is doing 😛 Even though I've been less active since the start of the year, I'm not going to be leaving anytime soon XD
The Feeling Creative pages are lovely! And I love your answer for the second question – it was so inclusive and kind! I agree, everyone here is so amazing and the dodos and Sils are incredible 💞
The tavern is the best 😛
I hope you had a great Clanniversary!
Happy clanniversary, Flickerflame!!!!