[a still from the original Lion King movie depicting Simba and Nala teasing Zazu]

What warrior cat would Lion King characters be? by SpiderCloud

SpiderCloud matches Lion King characters to Warrior Cats characters.

[a still from the original Lion King movie depicting Simba and Nala teasing Zazu]
[a still from the original Lion King movie depicting Simba and Nala teasing Zazu]

Um after the disaster where I couldn’t post any articles (I don’t even know if it’s gonna get posted this time but please StarClan let me post at least one article)
I’m back (or not) AND I’m gonna go inactive for a while so I wanted to post an article first.

So, supposing many of you know what the Lion King is, there are some of you who don’t. So it’s about a Lion King of the forest who had a son, Simba, who is next in line to the throne. But his uncle Scar has an ambition and wants to kill
Simba and his father for the throne. Eventually Simba’s father dies and Simba runs away and finds a mate (Nala). Then they get friends and go back to defeat Scar.

So our first character: Simba ofc
So I was thinking Firestar but then suddenly Lionheart popped into my mind. Then I thought maybe Lionheart would go to Simba’s father, so I chose Firestar for Simba. He even looks like Firestar! Flame colored pelt. Naughty. Brave. Determined. Just like Firestar! (Firestar haters might disagree, but I love him and I’m not changing my mind.) Also he becomes king in the end, like how Firestar became leader, so I think Firestar would fit him best. Also he defeated Scar kinda like Firestar defeating TigerClaw.

2: Nala
Ok this is obvious. So first, Nala looks like Sandstorm, pale ginger pelt, and determination. Also, she’s mated with Simba, who is technically Firestar in our article. That’s such a coincidence! So Nala must be Sandstorm. Also, Nala and Simba went on a quest to gather friends and defeat Scar, like the SkyClan thingy quest with Sandstorm. Also I forgot the events but I think Nala got angry at Simba in the quest, like Sandstorm got angry at Firestar and complaining about “Firestar still loves Spottedleaf more than me” blah blah blah. So the best for Nala is Sandstorm.

3: Scar
So Scar must be Tigerclawstar, or maybe ThistleClaw, but he didn’t try to murder the leader. So it must be Tigerclawstar. First Scar has this ambition. He managed to annoy Simba’s father, like Tigerpaw annoying Bluestar when he was so mean to the kitty pet kit (yes ThistleClaw was partly responsible for not teaching Tigerpaw well). Then Scar manages to kill Simba’s father in a stampede of idk I forgot, I think monkeys or horses? Like when Tigerclawstar tried to murder Bluestar at the Thunderpath. But this time no one broke their leg or something like CinderPelt did. Then Scar recruits his big army of monkeys (PLEASE CORRECT ME IF IM WRONG CAUSE I CANT REMEMBER) like Tigerclawstar recruits rogues (hmmm I’m feeling a connection here was Lion King inspired by Warrior cats or was Warrior Cats inspired by Lion King?). And he was defeated by Simba like Firestar defeating Tigerclawstar.

4: Simba’s father whatever his name was
I think Simba’s father and the former king should be Lionheart, (yeah the Firestar one was about to be Lionheart until I changed it) cause the other king, Simba’s father, risked his life for Simba and was really brave. He taught Simba many things, like Lionheart did to Firepaw, and even taught him the stars of Silverpelt-like the warrior ancestors in warrior cats. It’s so similar. “The stars in the sky are the former kings of the forest, looking down on us.” -Simba’s father whatever his name was. AND he got killed in a stampede of whatever recruited by Scar, like how Tigerclawstar got a ShadowClan patrol to kill Lionheart.

Ok that’s all for today, I think the Lion King and Warrior cats have many similarities, and they are all connected somehow. Thanks for reading (hopefully it’s published and even if it is idk if anyone’s gonna bother to read this long boring article) and Good Luck and partly goodbye cause I’m going inactive for a lot of tests 🙂 see ya!

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