Official promotional art for season 1 of My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic

Giving MLP characters warrior names + a warrior counterpart by CloudPaw

CloudPaw gives warrior names to characters from My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic.

Official promotional art for season 1 of My Little pony: Friendship is Magic
Official promotional art for season 1 of My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic

Alright, CloudPaw/Song here (Cloudo), and todayโ€ฆ I just found out there are no MLP articlesโ€ฆ which, I mean, seriously? Before Bluey, MLP was the show for kids and adults! Now, weโ€™re not even going to talk about it?!?! So, today, me, an ex-notexanyore-pegasister, is going to delve into this topic! (Unless the moddos hate MLP for some reason)

Now, the only way to make an article here about MLP is to relate it to warriors. Now, I could just do a normal name articleโ€ฆ except, uh, at least 15% of the time, those types of articles are rejected. So, um, hereโ€™s what Iโ€™ll do- Iโ€™ll give them a warrior name AND relate them to canon characters? Is that good with you mods, or do you need this to connect more? (I hope not)

Anyways, letโ€™s get started!

1# Twilight Sparkle

Do I even need to explain why I chose her? Sheโ€™s, like, the main character of the entire generation 4 show! (Oh, forgot to mention, Iโ€™m only doing generation 4 characters, since weโ€™re all familiar with them, and I havenโ€™t seen generation 5 yet.)
Anyways, for related warriors characterโ€ฆ Iโ€™m thinking of FireStar. Why? Hereโ€™s why; theyโ€™re both sort of leaders of groups, with Twilight Sparkle as leader of the mane 6, and FireStar as leader of ThunderClan.
Also, they both find a way to help their group (Even when things are very bad).
As for her warrior nameโ€ฆ hmm, Iโ€™m thinking something that isnโ€™t TwilightSparkle, since thatโ€™s too lazy. How aboutโ€ฆ VioletNight? Violet for her iconic purple pelt, and night because of the word โ€˜Twilightโ€™.

2# Pinkie Pie

Pinkie Pie, everybodyโ€™s favorite pink pony! (Also everybodyโ€™s favorite character to gorify, but we donโ€™t talk about that ๐Ÿค)
Anyways, I think sheโ€™s closest toโ€ฆ (Whoโ€™s the goofiest goofy we can use?) How about SquirrelPaw? SquirrelPaw because theyโ€™re both: Fun, energetic, and the character in their series most likely to get in trouble (besides Discord and the villains). Of course, not SquirrelFlight or SquirrelStar, those phases are too serious.
As for her nameโ€ฆ hmm, how about PinkBounce? We know Pinkie Pie LOVES bouncing *boing, boing!* and sheโ€™s pink, we canโ€™t forget it. Itโ€™s in her MLP name, so letโ€™s add it to the warrior name.

3# Rarity

What do we know about her? Dainty, fashionista, and generous. Well, with all that, Iโ€™m thinkingโ€ฆ FrostFur? I know, so random, half the fandom has already forgotten her, no, scratch that, most of the fandom. However, FrostFur is described as a beautiful she-cat, theyโ€™re both mostly white characters, and they both overreact. For example, the most memorable thing FrostFur did was go bonkers when she realized her kits were missingโ€ฆ maybe a little too bonkersโ€ฆ? She straight up assumed YellowFang did it. Andโ€ฆ we already know Rarity sobs while eating ice cream on her couch, a scene I canโ€™t help but laugh at, since itโ€™s soโ€ฆ over-excessive.
Anyways I think her warrior name might be WhiteShimmer. White for her coat color, and Shimmer because sheโ€™s fashion classy.

4# Apple Jack

This oneโ€ฆ will be harder. I think for her, Iโ€™d choose ThornClaw. Yes, ThornClaw the patrol guy. Mainly because theyโ€™re both hard-working, and uh- thatโ€™s pretty much it. Sorry, couldnโ€™t think of anybody else :P.
As for her warrior name, I think it should be WheatApple. Apple because her family is literally called โ€˜The Applesโ€™ and Wheat because she lives on a farm, which makes me think of wheat.

5# Rainbow Dash

I feel like the cat most like Rainbow Dash sadly is SwiftPaw. Theyโ€™re both in that fashion and Rainbow Dash sort of reminds me of SwiftPaw, and we already used SquirrelPaw for Pinkie. Oh, also โ€˜Dashโ€™ and โ€˜Swiftโ€™ both mean basically the same thing.
As for her warrior name, how about DashCloud? Dash because Rainbow DASH and Cloud because sheโ€™s a pegasus, and also sheโ€™s a cloud-buster.

6# Fluttershy

For Fluttershy, I think sheโ€™s most like BrightHeart. Firstly off sheโ€™s pretty close to Rainbow Dash whom we gave SwiftPaw, and BrightHeart was close with SwiftPaw, and second off, I like to envision BrightHeart with a soft voice. So either BrightHeart or Daisy, as itโ€™s implied she almost never uses a loud or harsh voice, just like Fluttershy.
As for a warrior name for Fluttershy, Iโ€™m thinking ShySkitter. Skitter, because it sounds like critters, another word for animals, and Fluttershy loves animals, and Shy, because you know why.

7# Spike

Aww, so tempted to use SwiftPaw again, but I have to say CloudPaw- CloudPaw more than CloudTail. Mainly because both of them are immature and a little bonkies, plus stubborn, and uh- pretty much it.
As for a warrior name, I think LavenderGem might be it, because Spike is purple, lavenders are purple, and Gem because Spike is a dragon, and in this world gems are food for dragons.

8# Discord

Obviously Discord is most like AshFur, because they both can cause Chaos within their fandoms.
As for his warrior name, how about Chaoslord VibrantLightning, since heโ€™s so colorful and Lightning strikes randomly, just like Discord!

So, thatโ€™ll be the end of this article! So, should I do an part two? Anyways, thanks for reading, Cloudo out!

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