Happy Birthday, Rosestar!

Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Rosestar, Happy Birthday to you! Guess what! It’s Rosestar’s birthday! Let’s see what BlogClan has to offer this wonderful member:

A cake covered in red roses

Ooh, I wonder if the roses are edible! Also, what do you think the flavor of the cake is?

A blue cake covered in stars

And here’s another good looking cake! A rose cake, and then a star cake- Rosestar!

BlogClan hopes that you have a wonderful day, Rose! What are your resolutions for this year? Any gifts yet? Have a fantabulous birthday!

“🎄 Riverspirit (Riv) 🎄✝️ Isaiah 9:6✝️ 🎄🎄 “Honestly Maplefeather, even Father Christmas himself has less Christmas spirit than you!” – Cypressclaw 🎄🎄”

Riding aback a hippogriff, soaring over the open ocean and under the stars