[a headshot of a glaring Appledusk with a black heart drawn over his chest, against a reddish-orange background that says "HEARTLESS"]

my 10 hated warrior cats by Blazestar

Blazestar lists the characters they don’t like from the series.

[a headshot of a glaring Appledusk with a black heart drawn over his chest, against a reddish-orange background that says "HEARTLESS"]
YouTube thumbnail for the Heartless Appledusk MAP
[a headshot of a glaring Appledusk with a black heart drawn over his chest, against a reddish-orange background that says “HEARTLESS”]

hi I’m blazestar the founder of blazeclan!! and I’m here to share my 10 least favorite warrior cats! so sit back and enjoy my first article as a member of blogclan.

10. jake- yes I don’t like firestar’s dad shocking right. here’s why I don’t like him: he’s scrouge’s dad too. he left firestar alone with his mother and littermates. there I got it out.
9. nightheart- yup from starless clan.(spoilers) he left thunder clan for sunbeam. he didn’t take a name given to him by sparkpelt and he is a black cat(also one of my oc’s names is nightsky/ nightstar so how does that work out?)
8.dustpelt- yeah he may be ferncloud’s mate but I absolutely hate him. he bans birchfall from the family along with dovewing. he was rude to firestar when they were paws. and almost ruined firexsand.
7.yellowfang- its not just her name. she killed her son. shes so predictable. she tried to kill firestar and that would have led to the destruction of the prophecy as we know it.
6.stormfur 1- I just hate bluestar’s dad ok. he went out of camp when he was very ill. leaving young spottedpaw to look for him with her mentor at the time(she was a warrior) he’s just so stubborn.
5.bluestar- shes insane. shes the cat who gave up her kits leading to stonefur’s perish when tigerstar took over riverclan. she had mental issues and she chose a cat that tried to kill her even though firestar warned her.
4.leafpool- shes a rat what can I say. she had kits. shes the cause to cinderpelt’s death and bristlefrost too. she was very boring. (I actually skipped the chapters with her pov) and she didn’t even try to live after the rock-slide.
3.daisy- sorry daisy lovers. shes just a queen. she sits around all day and does nothing at all. very fussy over the kits and what they do.
2.appledusk- read maple shades vengance before you comment. he blamed mapleshade for the death of their kits. mated with reedshine who had shellfur who had crookedstar and oakheart etc.
1.tigerstar 1- here he is my most hated. he tried to kill firestar and bluestar. his son is hawkfrost who tried to kill firestar and bramblestar. he almost killed sandstorm. and the horror he killed spottedleaf!

so that was my top 10 least

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  • I agree with all you said here, except with Bluestar, and Yellowfang (yeeaahh, i don’t like Yellowfang, but the reason that you said why you don’t like her, isn’t enough) so, Bluestar had mental problems bcs of ehat happend in all her life, and Stonefur’s death wasn’t her fault!

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