Happy Birthday, Sorrelpaw!

Simplistic drawing of decorative bunting against a transparent background.

Hey again, BlogClan! Two birthdays in one week! Ahh, it’s just like old times. Today, it’s Sorrelpaw’s birthday!

Happy birthday, Sorrelpaw!

I’ve fetched you a leafy-looking cake for the occasion, which is hopefully sufficiently sorrel-y:

A four-tiered, white cake sitting on a glass stand, which is on top of a white pillar. The cake is decorated with fondant made to look like a twisting branch with many green leaves.

Look at that! Four whole tiers — now that’s a treat. And if you’re willing to share, well, I certainly wouldn’t complain… Anywho, here are some gifts from your fellow BlogClanners!

Here’s one from Starpaw/moon:

“Happy Birthday Sorrel! If you never asked to collab, Towering Flames would have never been possible!”

Three cats created using Picrew stand under words that say “Towering Flames”

Beautiful gift, Star! Sorrels, you also received a gift from Fallowpaw!

“Hi, Sorrelsausage! You’re amazing and I made you some gifts! Here’s an amazing acrostic poem:









Lol ๐Ÿ˜œ




Sorry if that isn’t the best, making these is pretty hard y’know ๐Ÿ˜œ I hope you like it anyways!

I also made a short for you! NTA Round 3!


And some art!


“Happy birthday, Sorrels! I hope you have an amazing day! Ur the best! Enjoy these gifts (and any other gifts you get)!”

What’ve you got planned for today, Sorrel, if there happens to be anything in particular? Has anyone made or bought you a real cake, or maybe a pie, or maybe something more savoury? Any especially exciting gifts? As always, feel free to tell us how everything goes, if you’d like! Here’s the usual second Happy Birthday (until I can come up with a new gimmick to jazz up my posts…) — have a lovely day, Sorrel!

โ˜• Nettlespring ๐Ÿฅž

(Don't let the moon change your mind! ๐ŸŒ™)