Nightflower lists some things they’ve realized about the series.
![[a full-body design of Cedarheart with a raised paw]](
[a full-body design of Cedarheart with a raised paw]
Hello BlogClan! I’m Nightflower and today I am going to be listing random things I realized. At first I wanted to do a fact article and then I wanted to do a mistake article so I did this as a compromise in my debating brain! 😛 Without further ado, let’s begin! (oh no I think it got cut off)
1. All of the Clans (excluding SkyClan) have had a cat with the “Apple” prefix ThunderClan – Apple Blossom, RiverClan – Appledusk, WindClan – Appledawn, ShadowClan – 2 Applefurs! 😮 And as far as I can remember no cat’s ever seen or mentioned apples before. Also maybe I haven’t read enough books and
2. Tigerstar 2 and Dovewing are related
Tigerstar’s mom is Tawnypelt whose mom is Goldenflower whose brother is Lionheart whose daughter is Brightheart whose daughter is Whitewing.
3. Thistleclaw never had a vigil
Nope. He didn’t. Though it’s the kind of thing he would do. And in Bluestar’s Prophecy when Bluefur SAW him curling up next to Snowfur instead of having a vigil, she just thought “he’ll have a nest later” and just went to sleep! I can’t believe nobody noticed or told him to have his vigil or punished him. Maybe that’s why he went to the DF . . .
4. Cedarheart is confusing
In Tigerclaw’s Fury (I’m reading it right now ), which is somewhere in TBP, Cedarheart is described to be sharing prey with THE OTHER ELDERS. Also, he wanted to tell Tigerclaw a story, just like an elder would. So basically, let’s say he is an elder in Tigerclaw’s Fury. Specifically, it would be around Forest of Secrets and Rising Storm. But in Winds of Change, taking place during Dawn and Starlight, Mudclaw goes into ShadowClan territory to talk to Cedarheart. I don’t think it’s very likely that Mudclaw would choose an elder, let alone a SHADOWCLAN elder, to talk about his anti-Onewhisker plans and have a battle. When he found him, didn’t he say something like “Aha Cedarheart the one I’ve been looking for”? Cedarheart also looks small, young, and strong in Winds of Change, and if you’ve read Exile from ShadowClan you know how elders look in the graphic novels. Google won’t say when he’s born but apparently he goes off to StarClan in Bramblestar’s Storm. However Google tells me that he died an elder.
Great article… I never knew that Tigerstar 2 and Dovewing are related! Sorry that it got cut off.
Cool article! If it did, sorry it got cut off! But at least it was at the end of a sentence lol. Maybe put the rest in a part 2? I really enjoyed this!
Great article! 2# is crazyyyyy
Great article!
Almost everybody is related to each other 😛
Wow these are all so true! Great article!
Awesome article!!!!!!! Also did it get cut off???!??!!??!! :((((
I think Cedarheart being described as an elder in Tigerclaw’s Fury was a mistake. Also, great article!
I love this article!!
for number 2 u could put tawnypelt is brothers with bramblestar/claw and is mates with Squirrelstar/flight whos cousin is Cloudtail whos daughter is Whitewings so theres 2 ways theyre related… 😬
I think the two Cedarhearts are different cats. But good article!
Great article! I didn’t know that Tigerstar 2 and Dovewing are related!!!
hah, i realized the tigerstar 2 and dovewing one too 😊
I’m still so confused from the Cedarheart part.
Anyway,great article! I absolutely love it!