[a full-body design of Ivypool sitting down and looking to her left]

Reasons Ivypool is overrated!!! by Coralpaw

Coralpaw shares why they think Ivypool is overrated.

[a full-body design of Ivypool sitting down and looking to her left]
Art by Willowpaw/whisper
[a full-body design of Ivypool sitting down and looking to her left]

Heya, I am Coralpaw/wish/Coral that blooms in a midnight wish. This is my first article so it may be short and very bad hoping I can change everybody’s minds about her. I am a Ivypool hater, but do not take any offence because some of the opinions I am going to use may not be yours just arguments that I saw in articles or heard about. I am not going to say that Ivypool is bad because I do not think she is bad but just that she is overrated. I am .Today I am going to list reasons why Ivypool is so overrated. You may hate me for this, but that is your opinion. Let’s start, I can’t wait.

Alright, these are reasons I heard people said they loved Ivypool for, she was an amazing mom, an amazing warrior, I feel bad for her, her kit is bristlefrost, her sister is bad, Ivypool spied on the dark forest. As I said not everyone may have these reasons they like Ivypool so much, so don’t take any offence please.

She is an amazing mom
For this, I am sorry Ivypool fans, but In would give her a 3/10 as a mom. Yes, she is not that amazing nor that good of a mom. Some people say she is a good mom because she supported thriftear when he was forced to be a medicine cat, but the only she ever said was ” thriftear?!”- The silent thaw, at least she still helped him with herbs, but thats all. Another evidence I have against her is that she did not nurse her kits, I bet that if Fernsong had been the amazing dad he is, Ivypool would have left her kits to Daisy. She could at least have done one day she stays in the nursery with her kits and the other day she does her warrior tasks. At least this means she was a good warrior, which leads to the next part.

She is an amazing warrior
I do not have to say anything about th

at, I mean its true, she is a pretty good warrior.

People feel bad for her
Why would anyone feel bad for a cat who is a deputy and possibly next leader because Squirrelstar is pretty old, has cool kits and an amazing mate, is a well respected warrior, is a good hunter and fighter. I mean, that’s what at least most cats want. At this point if people feel bad for Ivypool they might feel bad for every cat who has not been a deputy or leader, had a mate or kids, is well respected, is a good hunter and fighter, which I think is at least 40 percent of the warriors world.

Her sister is mean and bad
I think people messed up and mental Ivypool is a bad sister. She was literally jealous of her sister’s power, which I get but still!!! She also did not want to say goodbye to Dovewing when she joined the Shadow clan. But worst of all, while Dovewing was trying to make a bond with her sister, Ivypool did not care and SHE was mean to her sister. Completely the opposite of what people say.

She spied on the dark forest
Honestly, that is true, but it only happened because Ivypool was bad, she was jealous of her sister and though that if she was better she would be MORE POPULAR. And she would never have spied on the dark forest if Jayfeather had not seen her. Any cat could have spied for the dark forest, its just a normal thing to do, but not every cat was Dovewing’s sister. It could have been anyone spying on the Dark Forest, it was just because Ivypool was Dovewing’s sister.

That’s all for this article, I hope I could change your mind. Please do not hate me.
– Coralpaw/wish/Coral that blooms in a midnight wish

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  • Great article! I completely disagree though. I completely understand why she was jealous of Dovewing. Ivypool always tried really hard in her training, but Dovewing was always better, without even trying. Dovewing also had lots of discussions with the clan leader as an apprentice. She only ever went to the dark forest to try to be a better warrior for her clan. Also, with the kits, Ivypool was still there for them, but she wanted to continue her warrior duties, and if Fernsong was willing to stay with them, then it was a good arrangement. Sorry for the long comment, and again great article 😄

  • Great article!!!! I totally agree and think Ivypool is totally overrated!!! Dovewing is so much more deserving of love. Ivypool shouldn’t get a SE!!!

      • I know that and I never said she should get another. I just think that Ivypool shouldn’t get one, sorry Ivypool lovers. She got her time and her story seems done!

        • ~*~Wisteriakit found out how to comment... %Wisty, Wisteria%✨✨She/her! **'Life isn't as serious as the minds makes it up to be...** says:

          Honestly, I’m a Ivypool lover and I gotta agree, her story finished after Omen of The Stars.

          • Morningbrook 🎵I'll tell you something about my good name/It's mine alone to disgrace🎶 All hail summer! says:


        • I agree! I feel like novellas and Super Editions are for cats that we don’t know the lives of or are about a certain point in their life that we didn’t know about.
          Such as *Firestar’s Quest, Bluestar’s Prophecy, and SkyClan’s Destiny

          *Those are the ones I’ve read

    • Morningbrook 🎵I'll tell you something about my good name/It's mine alone to disgrace🎶 All hail summer! says:

      I can’t see how Ivypool is “overrated” after seeing comments like this, this makes me sad 🙁
      If Dovewing gets a novella, Ivypool definitely deserves an SE, and just because Ivypool is a little more anti-heroic, doesn’t mean she deserves less love. It makes her cool!

  • I like your arguements a lot but i disagree tho… I mainly just only on the bad mum and spying on the dark forest. She just didn’t think it would feel nice but she ended up being a great mum, and i think dovewing is the overrated one. Great Article!!!! 🙂

  • This was a great article, but I don’t agree. (I understand why you would think those things, but I still don’t agree.) I love your drawing though! PS: Ivypool is my favorite character. (You can tell by my name Lol)

    • Morningbrook 🎵I'll tell you something about my good name/It's mine alone to disgrace🎶 All hail summer! says:

      Ivypool is my favorite character too! I don’t think she’s overrated when I see people like her, I just feel like I’m part of a “Go Ivypool” community. And I like that.

  • I agree with some of these points, but Ivypool’s one of my favorite characters, as… well I don’t really like any of the others tbh, as I sorta forgot most of the books. I do agree that she was a pretty bad mother, but I think people feel bad for her cause of her past? All in all, this was a pretty good article for your first!

  • Great article! 😀
    I have to disagree tho:
    Ivypool is one of my second favourite character, but with some of these points I agree with. My reason why she wasn’t very nice to Dovewing, was because she thought her mother favoured Dovewing. One again, great article! 😀

  • Morningbrook 🎵I'll tell you something about my good name/It's mine alone to disgrace🎶 All hail summer! says:

    this makes me sad
    But you have the right to your own opinion. I don’t take offense.

  • Honestly, good article and nice support, but I dissagree. The books never said that ivypool was jelaous of dovewing. Also, dovewing is a BRAT!

    • I respect your opinion, but Dovewing is NOT a brat!
      Definition of brat:
      A child who behaves very badly
      Firstly, Dovewing is an ADULT
      Secondly, she behaves just fine
      So calling her a brat is inaccurate.

    • Dovewing isn’t a brat
      A brat is a child who behaves bad and Dovewing is an adult but I respect your opinion :/

  • I agree! I’m an Ivypool hater myself and all of you’re reasons are correct. Plus these:
    1. She’s rude to her sister and she pushed her away
    2. She trained in the Dark Forest and was a horrible spy
    3. She was a brat and got jealous over every small thing her sister did better
    4. She’s mates with her cousin
    5. She’s immature
    6. She thinks she deserves her sister’s powers
    7. She whines so much
    8. She complains about something she can’t change
    9. She blames her sister for getting powers when Dovewing couldn’t decide to or not
    10. She doesn’t deserve to be deputy just because her daughter died
    Lol I wrote those on the Top Tens on Top Ten Warriors on your opinions on them or smth like that. My tag is Laurel or I just anonymously.

    • Hi. I’d like to express my opinion on your comment.

      For your third point, we do have to look in Ivypool’s perspective to see the issue. Ivypool tried hard, while Dovewing didn’t even try and was always admired while Ivypool was put on the back burner. If you felt your sister was always favored and you live in their shadow, it wouldn’t feel nice.

      For your fourth point. I mean.. come on, every warrior does. Firestar did, and so did a vast majority of cats in Skyclan and Thunderclan.

      5. She is definitely not immature. If anything, she’s just emotional. She reacts on what goes on around her, but still pushes through. Her resilience and accountability is honestly admirable.

      6. She did. Dovewing never had a choice to choose her powers, yes. But out of the ladder, Ivypool worked just as hard, If not harder. And even if that wasn’t the case, she never wanted her sister’s powers. She just couldn’t comprehend why Dovewing got all the attention and why she started keeping secrets out of the blue. You can see her jealousy dies down after she realizes that Dovewing is apart of the prophecy.

      7. Doesn’t Dovewing too? We can see in the books when Jay feather and Lionblaze tell her about being the 3rd cat, she is all whiny and hysterical while when Ivypool is forced to spy for her clan, she does it with no hesitation. This is because she knows it’ll be for her clan. No matter the injuries or how she feels. Going as far too kill Antpelt just to prove her loyalty so that she can gather information.

      10. Her becoming deputy had little to do with Bristlefrost death. Between the dark forest matter, her credibility in hunting and fighting, she is most fit to serve as deputy. And the fact, she is young but still experienced compared to most other Thunderclan warriors in the current moment. Whether that changes or not, is not known.

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