Happy Birthday, Flowerpaw!

Heya BlogClan! Guess what? It’s Flowerpaw/seed’s birthday! Happy Birthday, Flows! What are you doing today? Have you gotten any gifts yet, friendo? BlogClan is here to treat you:D

A pink cake with frosting roses of pink and cream shades

Okay, now THAT cake is aesthetically pleasing:D I’m guessing that it’s maybe strawberry flavored? Or something sophisticated like “peony hinted strawberry puree chocolate cake.” Now that would be funny.

Happy Birthday, Seedoku! You are so positive and sweet and always a joy to be around. I hope that your birthday is as special as you are!

“🎄 Riverspirit (Riv) 🎄✝️ Isaiah 9:6✝️ 🎄🎄 “Honestly Maplefeather, even Father Christmas himself has less Christmas spirit than you!” – Cypressclaw 🎄🎄”

Riding aback a hippogriff, soaring over the open ocean and under the stars


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