Fernmist presents some fun facts about Warriors.
![[image description: a collage of Rusty sitting, Graypaw on his hind legs, Bluestar calling out, and Brambleclaw's eyes above them]](https://blogclan.katecary.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/1-25.png)
[image description: a collage of Rusty sitting, Graypaw on his hind legs, Bluestar calling out, and Brambleclaw’s eyes above them]
Hello everyone, this is Fernmist with another article! I’ve tried to gather interesting Warriors facts; hope you enjoy!
1. If Crowfeather hadn’t requested the suffix ‘feather,’ he would’ve been called Crowclaw
Crowfeather requested the suffix “feather” in honor of his first love Feathertail, who
died saving The Tribe Of Rushing Water. According to Victoria Holmes, (one of the
Erins) if Crowfeather had not requested to become Crowfeather, she would have
named him Crowclaw
2. The sun-drown-place is actually the Atlantic Ocean
3. Pinestar is older than both of his mate’s parents
Pinestar’s mate, Leopardfoot was born when Pinestar was 10 years old. that’s a pretty big gap, even for cats!
4. Rootspring’s warrior name was selected by the fans.
Apparently, the given names were Rootspring, Rootwing, Rootspirit, and Rootfall, and Rootspring was the winning name
5. Bristlefrost is a descendant of Windstar
Don’t ask why, I’m too lazy to do the research
6. Gray Wing’s death was pushed back three times in Dawn of the Clans
According to the Warriors Wiki, this was because of the editorial team’s attachment to him. He was originally supposed to die at the end of The Sun Trail, The First Battle, and then to Path of Stars.
7. Ivypool was named after Vicky’s friend’s daughter, Ivy Poole
well, the name turned out very pretty!
8. .ThunderClan was originally going to be called StarClan before Vicky decided it would
be better suited for their warrior ancestors
this is probably more known, but I thought it’s an interesting fact
9. Vicky stated that Sol was inspired by a real cat named Aslan who was “super cool and
even basks on a stone slab in the sunshine”
This is funny 😛
1. Tigerheart has been called a golden tabby when he is a brown tabby.
2. Hawkfrost has been decribed as black when he is a brown tabby.
3. Thornclaw has been described as gray when he is a ginger tabby
4. Tigerstar was mistakenly called Firestar once, in Eclipse
uh oh
5. Cinderpelt was called white once, when she is actually dark grey
that’s completely different!
6. According to the Warriors Wiki, there are thirteen mistakes listed in the allegiances for Leopardstar’s Honor, such as Grasswhisker being listed as a warrior when her mother is listed as a kit, and Patchpelt being listed twice
Well, that’s it for today! hope you enjoyed reading these facts! have a good day/night, and until next time, may Starclan light your path! Fernmist out!
there r so many cats in warriors… i understand y mistakes r made often
Amazing article! :DDD
So interesting!!!
Fun fact: Leafpool could have saved Honeyfern if she made her throw up the poison with yarrow. Instead, she just stared at Cinderheart. It takes minutes or hours to enter a cat’s bloodstream, and Leafpool ate up those minutes away by staring at Cinderheart. When Sorreltail asks why weren’t you doing anything, Leafpool says it’s too late. She probably was hoping Cinderpelt was gonna do medicine cat stuff, but you should still do your job and help another cat. It wasn’t Leafpool’s shining moment, but I still love her. (Pls reply to this)
Wow, I didn’t even realize that.
That only works for deathberries, which the cat eats. Honeyfern was bit on the shoulder. Throwing up probably wouldn’t work in that case.
lol I actually caught the Tigerstar being called Firestar one when I first read it! I was very confuzzled :p I can’t believe Gray Wing’s death was only prevented by the team’s attachment to him X3
Number 5 is just crazy, tho it does have a high possiblity because Gray Wing’s kits probably mixed with like Windstar’s kits or their kits and Gray Wing’s kits would also be related to Thunderstar so yeah that makes sense somehow…
WOW! This is mind-blowing!