Reference sheet by RiverSpirit456 for their OC Riverpaw

Introducing River Spirit to the people who don’t know them part 1 by Blazestar

Blazestar introduced the characters of the Warriors fan-comic by RiverSpirit456, Scarlet River.

Reference sheet by RiverSpirit456 for their OC Riverpaw
Reference sheet by RiverSpirit456 for their OC Riverpaw

Hi again! This is my 3rd article this year and you might not know them but this is some kind of warrior cat comic that I love so look them up if you have to. Let’s start!

Brown she-cat with white stripes and crystal blue eyes. She was a loner found by the clan; they thought she was windclan. Her mother was shard and her father was 1. A fox heart!!!!!!! 2. Freeze. I’m hoping her mate will be Stone^kit/???. She mostly keeps to herself; she is very shy and aggressive. Siblings: emerald, dusk and cloud

Orange tom with white spots. He saves River from the cold bringing her to thunderclan’s leader, Light^star. I’m pretty sure his mate is tansy^pelt and his apprentice is actually I really don’t know! Moving on.

White tom with light gray stripes. His sister is echo^kit. He is friends with River (fingers crossed they will be more than friends… look at the cover of the article) he is confident extremely loyal a skilled fighter and hunter and kind

Elegant spotted tortie she-cat. Her brother is stone^kit/paw and her sister is the med cat, deep^lake. Her and stone^kits mother is leaf^heart all of their father is light^wing (not light^star). She is goofy, energetic , talkative, reckless , short tempered, kind and exitible.

Swirl tortie she-cat. Her mother is unknown and her father is light^wing her half siblings are echo^kit and stone^kit. She is kind, wise, humorous, passionate, impatient, gruff, gullible, and loves solitude.

Brown she-cat. Her mother was killed by a dog. Adoptive father is kite and her adoptive brothers are farkas and vilkas. She is loyal, kind, tough love, skilled in battle, hopeless romantic, proud, good with kits, attack first ask later, sucker for charismatic cats.

Black tom with blood red tail and markings. I don’t know much about him so I’m gonna skip to fox^paw!

Same as Comet^blaze all tho i’m sure that they will become mates later on!

Calico she-cat. She was killed by freeze’s brother. Mate was freeze and her kits were river emerald dusk and cloud. She acted like cinder^paw before she became cinder^pelt.

Brown tom with white stripes. Past mate was lily and recent past was shard his daughters were emerald river and mira. His sons were in cloud dusk and rush. He has no traits yet 😉

That’s all if yall liked the article and want a part 2 say it in the comments!
Blazestar/hop out! *drops mic*

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