[Gorsestar sits on a rock and turns his head down to the side]

Random facts about Gorsestar!!! by Fallowpaw

Fallowpaw shares some facts about the second WindClan leader, Gorsestar.

[Gorsestar sits on a rock and turns his head down to the side]
Official art by Wayne McLoughlin
[Gorsestar sits on a rock and turns his head down to the side]

Okay, so, I’m tired of making intro’s, so let’s just dive in!

1. He was named after his spiky head fur!
On the official pixel art, he was this funny tuft of fur on his head! So that’s why his warrior name was Gorse Fur!

2. He was born and raised in RiverClan territory!
That was before RiverClan existed of course, but it was their land later. So if he has siblings, which is very likely, he probably has much kin in RiverClan without knowing!

3. Without him, the Dark Forest would rule by now!
Crowfeather is his descendent. And the Three are Crowfeather’s kits. And without the Three, the Dark Forest would have won the battle! Gorsestar is much more important than you think!

4. Without him, Needletail would still be alive!
Omg, I’m so thankful that Gorsestar existed! Sorry, Needletail lovers, but she’s my least favorite character ever, so I’m happy she’s dead. So, Darktail is also Gorsestar’s descendent, and he killed Needletail!

5. He was mentioned in Battles of the Clans!
That was in Rabbittail’s chapter!

6. He was drawn very wrongly in the Ultimate Guide!
His drawing in the Ultimate Guide has amber eyes, but on the wiki is stated that he has green eyes! He also doesn’t have the spiky head fur there!

7. When you translate his prefix, Gorse, to Dutch and back, it’s translated as ‘Broom’!
Google Translate is really freaky, isn’t it?

8. He has descendents in each Clan!
At least, if all of Moth Flight’s kits had their own kits. It’s still a cool thought though, that many cats are related to him.

9. Gorse- is one of the eight most common prefixes in all of the Warrior Cats books!
And his warrior name was very common, look at fact number 10…

10. -Fur is one of the ten most common suffixes in all of the Warrior Cats books!
You see? This great leader’s name is actually SUPER common!

So, that were ten random and useless facts about Gorsestar! Hehe, this was so nice to make😛 I love random stuff! Bye, BlogClan! Fallowpaw out!

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