[Jayfeather and Half Moon embrace at twilight]

Ship or Sink? by Brindlenose

Brindlenose shares their opinions on some ships from the series.

[Jayfeather and Half Moon embrace at twilight]
Art by DarkTale (Twitter: @_darktale_)
[Jayfeather and Half Moon embrace at twilight]

Hello everyone! I, Brindlenose, will be saying if I like two cats together (ship) or I do not (sink).
(This is my first article, and I hope whoever reading this here enjoys it!)

1. Half Moon x Jayfeather/Jay’s Wing
SHIP! I love this so, so much… In The Last Hope, Jayfeather actually cries out for Half Moon, and the she-cat responds: “I’m here, my love.” or something similiar to those words! They also looked at each other with love before Half Moon slipped away to fight the Dark Forest. In my opinion, this ship is purrfect! (Little cat joke :)!)

2. Lionblaze/paw x Heathertail/paw
Sink. It was good at first, but then it went downhill after Lionpaw stopped playing with her. I mean, I like how Lionpaw stopped seeing her and chose to follow the code, but Heathertail x Breezepelt kinda is bad in my opinion.

3. Hollyleaf x Fallen Leaves
In-between. They have a large age gap, but if they didn’t and Fallen Leaves wasn’t a ghost, they would be purr-fect (again a cat joke lol) together! I wish Fallen could’ve lived as a warrior and been Holly’s mate, but I like how their friendship worked, and I think the Erins did a good job on their relationship/friendship!

4. Leafstar x Echosong
In-between. It would be good, but they fought a lot in SkyClan’s destiny and I can’t see them being completely a good ship, but at least sort of good.

5. Squirrelflight/star x Brambleclaw/star
ULTRA SINK! Bramble seemed sort of abusive to Squirrel, and this relation always got on my nerves. It was: break up, back together, break up, blah blah blah. (Blah blah blah not in a rude way just can’t remember how many times they broke up and got back together.) Ashfur would’ve been better if he didn’t try to murder Holly, Lion, and Jay. Squirrel just wants to be like fire, the opposite of Leaf, which kind of annoys me. (This is just my opinion don’t come after me please!!)

First article, done! Tell me in the comments if you want a part 2 and some ship suggestions for me to rate!

Brindlenose out!

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